Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Theres a black president and spades is going to be an Olympic event in 2012!"

I got bored yesterday afternoon and started surfing the internet aimlessly, after a while I decided to google my name. Through this decision I was able to find out that this whole writing thing runs with my name. Some other guy named John Geilfuss wrote a screenplay for some low rate 80's horror movie named Evil Altar. This is even more weird cause I have some strange obsession with horrible horror movies and I look forward to watching it as I play "The Game." I looked it up on IMDB and basically the plot has something to do with a small Road Island town, a cult, and people getting sacrificed. There is also a John C. Geilfuss writing scholarship in Wisconsin. This scholarship is handed down to the University of Wisconsin students who best display writing skills in the fields of history and science. It's a shame I don't know too much about history, am not very scientific, and don't attend the University of Wisconsin because it would be totally gnarly to be a distingushed recipient of the John C. Geilfuss writing scholarship, especially considering my middle name is Charles. I tried finding out more information about this guy but failed to do so.

In the previous paragraph I referred to "The Game." "The Game" is something that me and Townsend created late one night when we were both in Michigan. We were watching tv aimlessly and the conversation went something like this
Geilfuss:(Sounding frustrated and pissed off) "It's almost 2 in the morning and I'm not even tired."
Townsend:(Yelling loudly and angrily) "PISS!!"
Geilfuss: "Fuck off"
Townsend: (Rising up from the couch and sounding strong and definite) "Let's start drinking"
Geilfuss: (Sounding somewhat intrigued) "There's Jack Daniels upstairs."
Townsend: (yelling affirmatively) "Shots!"
The next thing I know the two of us are taking shots of Jack Daniels in the kitchen and than walking down the steps with the bottle of Jack and a six pack of Coca-Cola."
Geilfuss:(asking the question somewhat intrigued) " Now what?"
Townsend:(yelling affirmatively) "Shots!"
We took 2 more shots
Geilfuss: "Madden?"
Townsend: "Lets just watch some horrible horror movie."
Geilfuss: "Okay, but we gotta do a shot every time someone dies."
Townsend:(Nodding his head in agreement and smiling) "Deal."
Townsend: "Oh and we gotta do shots every time we see tits too."
Geilfuss: (Nodding in agreement) "Deal."

We ended up watching Touristas and before the movie was over we were ready to go to sleep and "The Game" was forever cemented into our lives. It got kind of ugly though when we ran out of Jack and had to switch to Kahlua.

I just got a call from Mike Major asking me if he could stop by my house and take a dump. He should be over in five minutes.

I was at Bobby and Booboo's apartment last night hanging out with them and a few other friends and we decided to go into Towson. I was supposed to go up to Rec Room with them but I had to stop and have a few beers at the Kent first and it soon became crystal clear that I would not be going anywhere. I was just hanging out with Andy and Ross when Dave showed up and that's where the night became interesting. He orders a round of drinks and the next thing I know me and Ross are gambling on Race Poker. I busted out a Royal Flush but we went double or nothing and Ross's four of a kind were too tough to beat and we were back to square one. Eventually the little bastard pulled off a winning streak that I wasn't able to counter and I had to order the round of shots. Than we started playing Uno. At this point the Kent was basically dead and we were some of the only people in there. Jamal came in a few times during the night to take shots. At one point he screamed "There's a black president and spades is going to be an Olympic event in 2012!." He also started clapping for freedom. The two guys sitting to the right of him were terrifyed. This all happened over one Uno game, I think we played the longest Uno game in history, at one point I pulled up thirty some cards before I could get a green or a three, I was yelling lots of curse words at this point. During the course of this never ending game, I turned to Ross and Andy and said " There's lots of hot bitches out in Towson tonight and were sitting at the Kent playing Uno by ourselves."

I hear the doorbell, I think Mike Major's here.

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