Sunday, January 4, 2009

Up till 5 A.M. again and watching football with females

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I had back-to-back nights of being up till the crack of dawn. While they were both entertaining, they take a toll on the body, Saturday/Sunday it would become three in a row. After watching the Cardinals beat the Falcons, Julia picked me up and we went downtown to my friend Amanda's to hang out before we went out to Mosiac. My buddy Brann was already down there watching the Colts/Chargers game and we stayed until the conclusion of that before heading to Mosiac to meet up with a large group of Calvert County kids that were celebrating someone's birthday who I had never met. While Brann and I were watching the game, our buddy Steve called and said he would be joining us for the night. Without a doubt, Steve belongs on that same list as Ross as someone who is simply endlessly entertaining. After the game we grabbed a cab down to Mosiac, and had a pretty good night at the bar.

We took a cab back to Amanda's place following the bar, and the next thing I know I am once again up at nearly 5 in the morning, as Brann and Steve are still playing Rockband on Nintendo Wii. Brann is convinced he can do some rockstar guitar flip even though the Velcro band simply is not strong to support a violent flip around one's shoulder and Steve was just singing random words and talking about how much he wanted to try the song" Roxanne." At this point, I went into the basement and attempted to sleep on a couch that was about 3 feet shorter in length than I am, it wasn't fun. Throw in the fact that Brann and Steve kept coming down every thirty minutes or so for cigarette breaks, and Steve would have to have some dance party by himself I once again got barely in sleep.

Around noon, I started moving, went upstairs and realized that Julia, was intensively hungover and I wouldn't be going anywhere for the game. All of the sudden were at kickoff for the Ravens playoff game, Brann's still sleeping, and I'm watching the game with two girls who know absolutely nothing about the game. Usually I get very passionate and animated while watching the Ravens, especially for a game of this magnitude. However, whenever you pump your fist and it follows with a question like "Was that good for us?" "Are we about to score now?" and other things like that it defeats some of the passion. I'm used to sitting outside at Orchard Landing for Ravens road games doing running chest bumps with Stilling and shouting obscenities at the referees and opposing players, this was simply a drastic change. There were also constant questions about the divisions, conferences, how could an 8-8 team be seeded higher than us, how can I think the Ravens would rather play the Chargers than the Colts even though the Chargers beat the Colts, and many more. Now, in no way shape or form am I putting down these girls, I'm big fans of both, but I needed some help, and of course, Brann didn't wake up till 4. So at this point I'm assuming I will at least get to watch the Eagles-Vikings game with him, than Julia says shes ready to go back to Towson. I ended up heading to Gloomy Daze to meet up with Big Spanish and George, a huge Philly fan and another former Gloomy Daze employee, and enjoyed that.

Before I left downtown, Brann mentioned to me that they were up till nearly 8 playing Rockband and Steve had to work at 11. I'm sure he loved every minute of work.

After the Eagles game I went back home, played several games of NBA 2k9, read another chapter in the book I'm reading about a military hero , and than decided to watch a lil television before bed. I was flipping back and forth between three stations. USA, TBS, and ESPN. USA had some horrible movie on with Steve Martin and Queen Latifah. By the way, I think Steve Martin is becoming like Willie Mays in some ways. He had a tremendous start to his career but now it seems like hes just hanging around doing horrible performance after horrible performance. The more I think about it, that comparison is actually pretty horrible but you get my point. TBS had Independence Day and that truly is one of those movies where if your sitting around on a Saturday afternoon or late at late, flip the channel and catch it your not going anywhere no matter if you have already seen it 12,467 times. And of course, ESPN had Sportscenter and many of you already know my addiction with that. I wake up to it, eat dinner to it, fall asleep to it. In fact, in some ways Sportscenter is almost like a calming presence in my life, as weird as that may sound.

I went to the doctors today, had to get a catscan that I will show to the head neurosurgeon later this week. Other than that, I'm all out of ideas for today.

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