Monday, January 12, 2009

Old Memories and banging tables at a Sushi Restuarant

I was driving home from taking my Dad's automobile out from Owings Mills for the emissions test today, when I received a text from Damon stating that he posted a new blog and mentioned mine in the blog, so as soon as I got back home I had to read Damon's new blog. Upon reading the blog, Damon describes one time when he was young with a hot young dame and went out past curfew and than got punched by her father. This made me think of a similar moment in my life.
I had just turned 21 and I met a hot blond one night at the Get Bent Lounge. Several hours later, Corey and Townsend are using a credit card to break into the bathroom at Corey's cousins house to catch the two of us in full out shower room action. She was not a fan of that but that's besides the point. Anyways, later that weekend I drop her off at her place in Cockeysville, and I am getting thrown against the car by a very large man. He explains to me that he is a cop and doesn't like his daughter being out until all hours of the night with guys he has never met, when she is supposed to be home. She ran in the house which was probably a good thing at the time, because I'm sure she smelled like alcohol and sex. Anyways, five minutes or so goes by of this very large man yelling at me and threatening me goes by before he even gives me a chance to defend myself. Once he stopped his tirade, I somehow put on my Geilfuss charm and the man was shaking my hand and telling me he hoped he hadn't scared me away, from his daughter. I'm sure his point-of-view changed when he walked inside, but that's a whole different story. Now, back to the girl. I continued to see her for a few weeks until I found out that her full time job that she went to Monday through Friday was actually high school. Not teaching it, going to it, as a student. I never called her again but I guess it explains why her Dad was so mad when I brought her home late on a Sunday night.

While I was driving out to the emissions testing in Owings Mills, I also thought of another great moment in my life. I'm not sure the of the exact year or anything on this one, but, Bennett, Shoul, Shouldice, and I all went out to the emissions test together. Bennett and Shoul weren't getting their cars tested, they were just along for the ride. So we get out to the emissions center and we all had to push Shouldice's Tiburon up to the starting point, needless to say his car failed. Mine passed and I'm leaving the lot, Shouldice is ahead of me and I start to pick up speed and Bennett just yanks the E-brake up as hard as he can and I do a complete 180 and get to see all the employees from the emission center running out to see what that noise they just heard was, Bennett still laughs about it today. We took Greenspring Avenue home that day and I think he did this about another 6 times, although the first one was by far the best. That same day, we also ate lunch at a Burger King and some elderly lady approaches us with questions about her car which won't start. Shoul takes a look at it and immediately realizes that there is nothing wrong with her car, simply she locked her steering wheel without knowing it. He fixes this problem than goes on this long rant about what was wrong with her car and what he did to fix it. She was very impressed and gave him $7 as a way to say to say thank you. He did not try to turn down the money.

I was watching "There's Something About Mary" the other day and that truly is a great movie, but there was something that bothered me. There are multiple scenes were Ben Stiller's character orders a drink at a bar, however, he does not pay for a single one in any of these. They just give him the beer without asking for a card or money, than he gets up and walks away. It bothered me.

Damon loves the retard in that movie.

Last night, Ross picked me up and we went out into Towson to meet up with Andy and Damon. We started at the Kent, than banged on tables at a sushi restaurant, and than went to the Blue Grotto. The Blue Grotto is a new bar in Towson, which is attempting to do a VIP section, I don't think Towson and VIP work. Anyways, Rick shows up and everytime I see him he goes on about some story when Creech and I really had his back one night when he was working at the Kent and how it meant a lot to him. I don't really remember this, but I'm a big fan of the kid. The bartender there was quite animated and kept dancing. She said something to the guy she was working with about going back to her place and splitting a bottle of vodka. At this time, I turn to Damon and say " Now, that is an enticing offer." He laughed.

I'm going downstairs now to finish the book I've been reading.

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