Monday, February 2, 2009

Milfs, Brenda Warner, and Hobbits on Crack

This whole weekend turned out far different than I expected it to turn out. I was at Corey's Friday night and we were about to walk down the street to get some food and we were just waiting on Townsend, who was talking on the phone. Due to the nature of his voice, we could tell he was on the phone with a girl, we also could tell it was a girl that he had not spent very much time talking too. The next thing we hear is him asking this girl on what kinda food she likes and than he's saying something about taking her out for Italian food next Friday. Several minutes later, he finally came downstairs and we asked him who he was talking too, he replied " Gina's mom."

After we ate, Townsend left to go The Still in Timonium so he could go milf hunting and attempt to fulfill a lifelong dream. Bennett was already chasing tail in Columbia, so that left just Corey and I at his house. It was still kinda early so we figured we'd start the night with some Fifa battles on Xbox 360 and than go out. Poly and Skeen and them were heading to Federal Hill and Julia and some girls were also going there, so that seemed like the likely and only option. After the Fifa battles, which you could hardly call a battle cause Corey dominated, we switched to a power hour. Next thing you know it's a double power hour and were out of beer. This is where we realized that the two of us are not motivators, were go with the flow-ers, and we would not be going anywhere. The motivator is the person at the house or pregame party that really pushes what bar everyone goes to and even though you really may not want to go to that certain bar you end up doing so because motivator A or B is so adamant about going there. With this in mind, we went to get more beer and returned to his house. We than lost a fight with a vaporizor and were soon walking to Royal Farms. On the walk back from Royal Farms, I got a call from a wasted Bart. It was about 2:30 at this point, Bart had just gotten home, he lives on the same street as Corey, and the conversation went something like this:
Bart: "Geilf, whats going on?"
Geilfuss: "Not much, just with Corey walking back from Royal Farms."
Bart: "Fuckin right, where the bitches at?"
Geilfuss: " I couldn't really tell you, it's just me and Cor."
Bart: "Fuck you Geilf. Your fucking worthless."
Geilfuss: "Your the one who called me asshole, obviously there's no girls at your place, so your no better off than I am."
Bart: "Fuck that noise, your sleeping on Corey's couch tonight, at least I get to sleep in my own bed."
He than hung up the phone

When we got back to Corey's, I managed to haggle him into giving me his Terps ticket for Saturday night. The deal was I had to blog about it and lend him my playstation3 for a week.

Saturday afternoon, I went over to Mike Fick's to meet up with him and Townsend. The three of us along with my buddy Greg were going down to the game to see the Terps square off against Miami. We picked up Greg, and a bottle of vodka, and were soon on our way to College Park. Mike had two sets of tickets, being that all four were his he took one of the nicer ones and let the other seat be determined by an open competition. He would ask random trivia questions and if we knew the answer we would have to yell "Rack Em", if we were first to yell "Rack Em" we would get the chance to answer the question, first one to five, won the seat with Mike. Greg won by a score of 5-3-3. "Rack Em" is a reference to this homeless crackhead who calls himself "Rack Em Willie." I reccomend searching for him if your ever bored and in need of a laugh. Anyways, by this point Townsend and I had nearly consumed half the bottle of vodka and were walking into the madhouse that is the Comcast Center. When we got to our seats, we soon realized that we were stuck in a hub of old people and families. This kind of created this alter world, were we both felt that we were being looked at suspiciously throughout the whole game and viewed as repugnant and belligerent. I don't think that's really what was going on, but go to a sporting event, where alcohol is not sold, and sit in the midst of older people and little children, when you wreak of cheap vodka, and tell me you don't feel the same. The Terps pulled out the win, and a much needed one in that, and we were soon on our way back to Towson. I tried to convince Mike and Greg, to go to Steve's to watch the UFC fight, but he was set on just going back to Greg's.

On our way down to College Park, the news got broken to us that Phelps had been busted on some British tabloid for taking a bong rip. The next day, the radio was full of callers getting on his case and saying how he let down his fans and a whole bunch of other gay shit like that. All of these people that called in probably don't know that the Superbowl MVP was caught with two joints in his car this year and admitted he sold drugs as a juvenile, but Phelps toking the reefer is national news. Just about everyone I know has at least tinkered with the shit or hangs out with people that do. If he was at a party and someone got a picture of Jose Canseco injecting him with steroids, than that would have been a big deal, but I don't think the wacky tobaccy is making him swim any faster in the water. Push comes to shove, ask any parent or anyone that jumped on the bandwagon and criticized the kid......Would you rather have your 23 year old kid smoke some reefer on the side and have 14 gold medals to their name.....or would you rather have them stay away from the ganga and be like the rest of us 23 year olds, broke, struggling to pay rent, and still trying to figure out what exactly it is they want to do to make a name and lifestyle for themselves. I have a feeling which one most people are choosing.

Sunday night, I went to my buddy Jon's house for the Superbowl. I showed up a few minutes late and missed being able to be part of their Superbowl pool, which turned out to be the true excitement of the night. Jon was in one with most the people in the house, and another at work. The work one was the big one. The first three quarters of the game, he hit the right score and won the pool. Jon was up $375 and going out of control. Imagine a hobbit. But this hobbit is jacked, has spiky hair, Greek and is running around the room like a wild man on crack, screaming at the top of his lungs in enjoyment. That's basically the scene I saw at the end of the third quarter, when he won for the third straight time. The fourth quarter while exciting really sucked, cause the Steelers came back and won with 35 seconds to go and I quite possibly hate the Steelers more than anything on Earth. But I end with just one question. When did Brenda Warner become hot?

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