Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Maybe she went easy on me because she wanted to bang me."

I was sitting in a hospital waiting room yesterday, quietly minding my own business, when a man in probably his forties sits down next to me and begins to initiate small talk. Several minutes go by and a young lady in far worse condition than either of us walks past the two of us and the guy sitting next to me says "That should make us feel fortunate about our situations huh?" Now at this point he had yet to explain to me what he was doing in the waiting room and I hadn't said anything to him regarding my situation. But, I agreed with him and said something along the lines of that being the truth. He than leans over to me and says "I was only half drunk when I rode my bicycle into head on traffic." I said "sounds like you may have been all the way there." The guy laughed and than said "Well, I learned my lesson. For that reason alone I will be watching the rest of the Ravens games this season on my couch, you can't hurt yourself there." At that point I went back to reading my magazine.

Tuesday night, I went to the Greene Turtle in Towson to play trivia with Stilling and Damon. A few minutes later, Andy's sister Mary shows up and the first thing she does is yell at me for going to a flea market in Dundalk. I don't exactly know why she was yelling at me for doing this, I kind of tuned her out, you know the whole in one ear out the other kinda thing, but anyways she couldn't have been more wrong about the whole flea market. This flea market is quite possibly one of the greatest things ever. It's a real life white trash paradise. You can find anything from Ravens memorabilia, old Star Wars toys, weapons, pets, Steven Segal movies on VHS, and fried donuts all in one place. There was one lady who sold the little Ravens books you get for free when you go to a game for $3 a piece. She's got this huge trash bag full of hundreds of books that she probably spent hours walking around the stadium picking up and the craziest thing is people actually buy them. There was also a lady trying to sell pit bull puppies outside the flea market. While I was there, Corey bought a pair of Jordans for $50, he almost paid $60 at first but the little kid running the display was lying about the price and his mom yelled at him for not saying the right price. He probably would have just pocketed the 10$ had his mom of not caught him. So if your in the Dundalk area next weekend, I highly recommend you stop by this flea market cause I will most certainly be there.

I was sitting in my alcohol class last night and this kid Brandon is telling everyone about his court date. He was facing marijuana charges in the Towson district court and was going up against Judge Barbara Jung. This judge has a reputation as being the most strict judge in the county. Now, this was the second or third time Brandon had been in trouble for marijuana and to top it all off, his lawyer was running late. Cindy, the lady who runs the class advises Brandon to use the fact that his lawyer wasn't present and take an opportunity to avoid the most strict judge and get a postponement. At this point she leaves the courtroom to go somewhere else. However, in this short period of time Brandon decides to be his own lawyer. He ends up getting a pbj and 18 months supervised probation. When he says this, Cindy is almost in a state of shock. Her and several other guys in the class start going off about how insane it is that this judge didn't send him to jail, especially without a lawyer. This debate between Cindy and several others goes on for a few minutes and than Brandon just says out loud "Maybe she went easy on me because she wanted to bang me." It was priceless.

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