Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just Some Monday Night at the Kent

I'm walking out of a trivia game in Lutherville last night, and my buddy Ross asks me " Well, what do you wanna do?" I kinda shrugged my shoulders, at the time I would have been perfectly content with going home and calling it a night. He than says "Well asshole do you wanna go to the Kent or do you wanna go home?" I think about for about 3 and half seconds and say "Lets go to the Kent." I think it turned out to be the best decision I have ever made.

We walk in and the bartenders Pat and Jason seem to already be halfway drunk. There is some poor chump to the left of us who is listening to this god awful ugly girl just pour her heart out to him. To the left of them there were 4 hippie girls, one had dreadlocks which is just mind boggling. Than theres probably another 6 to 8 people in the bar.

Within about ten minutes of the arrival of the four of us, I was also with Andy and Damon, I believe the entire bar had cleaned out. I wasn't sure if it was the fact that were repulsive loud assholes, the bartenders seemed to ignore everyone else in the bar when we arrived, or the fact that Paulie was the DJ. I'm gonna go with the latter. The job of a DJ, is too play a good variety of music that keeps the bar scene upbeat and happening. People walking by on the street should be intrigued by the music and want to come in. There are DJ's across the country that are known for their names and draw large crowds whenever they show up to a certain club or bar. Paulie is not one of these DJ's. However, this is probably why I like him so much.

Some time goes by and Pat breaks out a football. Were kind of tossing the football around the bar , than Ross says "Let's do shot's and go to the parking lot." This idea goes over very well and 5 Irish Car Bombs later were outside. Jess was the 5th recipient of the car bomb as she had showed up with some friends. So any way were outside tossing the football around and well, there is one problem, it's dark outside. So all of us have hands like stone because we cant see the football until its about to hit us in the face, basically we were playing like Braylon Edwards did all season, except he made several million dollars. After a while of these shenanigans, we decide to head back inside because Andy and Damon had come to the consensus that if we kept this up, I would be hit by a car.

We go back inside, Paulie is still playing awful music, and there is still basically nobody in the bar. There is an old homeless man though who is in the back and would put his cup of beer through this little window and just shake it whenever he wanted a new one, it was awesome.

It's probably about 12:15 right now and this is the point were the night just got out of control. Shots were flying, the beers were flowing, and even god forbidding there was dancing on the bar. Vicki was dancing on the bar, Jason soon followed, and than the ultimate climax came when Andy got up on the bar and showed up his dance moves. Continuous clapping followed, "Fuck the Steelers" chants were quite frequent, and Andy was playing some awesome game where he would write what he wants to due to various players on the Steelers. Such things as "Cock slap Big Ben," "Cut Polamalu's hair" and "bitch slap Hines Ward," were thrown out. There was constant dancing and singing, especially when "Sweet Caroline" was played towards the end of the night, I believe the entire bar was shoulder to shoulder, arms around each other, rocking out to no end. There were a few people who strolled through the bar during this chaos, they didn't stay very long. To be honest they probably walked up to one of the other watering holes in the Towson area and said something along the lines of "The Kent is just wiggin right now." Basically, if one were to witness this in a movie, people would say there isn't a bar in America that this would ever happen. Only there is, its the Kent Lounge.

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