Monday, January 26, 2009

Boycotting Megatouch, Real World and a Tatoo Convention

Practically everyone I know has probably sat down at the corner of some bar somewhere and put a dollar or two into a touchscreen video game known as megatouch. These machines have taken plenty of my money in the past but I've decided I'm going to boycott them and write them a letter until I get my satisfaction. My problem with the company is that they have a bias against me, it's true, I swear. Now, the whole point of playing these games is the hope of cracking the top score and being able to enter in your name, and this is where my problem lies. If I were to put in a dollar and play a game of titty touchers, achieve the top score, and type in my last name the game would say " Bad Name" and prompt me to enter in something else. Even an abbreviation of my last name such as "Geilf" would be rejected. It infuriates me. One can type in profanities, racial slurs, or a random assortment of letters and be successful but my last name is not acceptable, it's absurd.

I had this completely random dream the other night that I was on the cast of Real World and the rest of the cast was entirely made up of friends of mine. Now, I've never really ever watched an episode of Real World but I think the point of the show is to put a group of young adults in a really pimp ass house, get all of them beyond the point of intoxication, and than they all get to spend the rest of their lives doing even more pointless shows on MTV. They usually throw in a gay guy or a lesbian in there just for the hell of it to make things more interesting but there won't be one in my show. Anyways my Real World show was set in Baltimore and the cast was made up of me, my buddy from my freshman year at Hofstra Reno, Townsend, Ross, my buddy George also known as Big Juicy or Big Sweaty, Julia, Jacquie, Kari, and Kristen Korsnick. I could hands down guarantee you right now that that would be the most entertaining and insane season of Real World ever and probably be the most watched show on television. There would be a constant scent of marijuana throughout the house, the intoxication would be at an all new level, there would be $100 games of bei ruit, shovels and other things would be broken on chests, there would be people falling into toilets busting their eyes and others breaking stairwells, sweat would be all over the floor and we would be down one bathroom because it would constantly be locked so someone could be blowing cocaine. The worst part about the whole season is I'd be living with three Eagles fans.

Saturday night I went downtown with a bunch of friends to Mosiac. It was a typical night there, and I along with everyone else I know was just getting buck wild. For some reason Townsend decided to call this girl Gina and go on this long rant of how we were stranded and needed a ride. I give him credit though his story must of been pretty convincing because this girl convinced her friend to leave a party in Hunt Valley, drive down to powerplant, and pick the three of us up. We were also with Julia. I'm sure this girl driving must of thought we were all belligerent assholes because we demanded she take us through McDonald's, and drop us off at our separate homes. At one point she said we should give her money for this and we just kinda went on like that comment never came out of her mouth and I guess she realized she had just wasted probably over an hour of her probably not so great life. The only problem I had with this was when I woke up and realized that my car was at Corey's house in Canton, I had no ride down there, and I probably should have just slept somewhere downtown. Several hours later though I was able to find a ride and after that I went to meet up with Booboo, Jacquie, and Creech. The four of us decided to go to this tattoo convention. We were driving in two cars so Creech and I found some backdoor entrance which we used as a way to sneak into the convention without paying. Booboo and Jacquie were not so fortunate and they decided that it wasn't worth the 20$ entrance fee, I don't really blame them either it was basically just a couple hallways full of scary people. I did wanna see penguin man though, my buddy Mike told me about this midget that was there with no arms who dresses up like a penguin, that may have been worth the 20$ in itself. After that we got some food at Burger King and Creech had to go on this rant about me writing blogs. He said he might start one up to it wouldn't really surprise me. He has these homosexual tendencies like that where he has to do the same thing his other guy friends are doing. We went back to Jacquie's house so he could read all of them. He than went on to explain to the girls what speed reading was and attempted to do that through my blogs. I really think all he did though was scroll up and down looking for Creech in any sentence and read that one than went back to hitting up girls on Myspace.


creecherofthewild said...

I am a slight bit offended to the closing statements of this blog. I may have experimented with speeddating on facebook. (You were also a part of this stunt) Im sure you remember the girl that added you as a friend due to my speeddating adventures. I have yet to explore the benefits of meeting women on myspace. I also am well aware on the technique of speed reading. I may of caught myself looking for my name and also people like steve shaver out of boredem. I was just looking for the excitement in the blog.

Yours Truly,


P.S. I will be starting my own blog page. It will not be because of a homosexual tendency.

Colin said...

I work for the company that makes the Megatouch games and my Web Crawler caught your blog. We do have a filter on the high-score names to block profanity, since our games are often in family restaurants. Unfortunately, the filter will block names with blocked words in them (like Cassandra, because it has "ass" in it), unless we add a particular name to a whitelist. We try to include all the common names in the whitelist, but if you have an unusual name or clever handle, it may not be there.

If your name in particular is being blocked, forward this note of mine plus the name you want to enter to, and we'll fix it (assuming it it's not actually profanity).

Of course, any changes won't show up until the next software update on that machine. We're currently on "2009 Ion" software. The next version will be 2009.5, due out this spring. Or, if you want it done sooner, look on the back of the machine- there's probably a sticker with the machine's owner/operator. If you can send us his name and number, we'll try to contact him to let him know we have a fix he needs for a frustrated player. Maybe we can get him to apply the fix sooner.

If you want a regular forum for these comments, check out our Megatouch facebook page.

In any case, thanks for playing!

- Colin