Sunday, May 31, 2009

Many A Summers Spent on the Back Deck at Vaeth's

I just checked in on Vaeth via Facebook and I hope the kid is doing well over there. I always liked the guy and I must say it will probably be a bit odd not spending at least one day on his back deck this summer. Now, I haven't spent as much time as Andy or Ross did on the back deck, the two of them have basically lived there over the past few summers, but I have spent quite a good bit of time there over the past six years or so, even going back to the days when I wasn't even friends with Ross. At that point I just considered Ross to be that sketchy kid who was friends with Vaeth, lived far away, was always smoking the whacky tobaccy, and never took off his damn sunglasses. But, as a result of that back deck, the kid kinda grew on me.

Not only have many a good times been spent on the deck at Vaeth's, but many a good times have been spent at his house in general. We would usually get the night, or in some cases get the day, started out on the deck, venture back inside, and usually wrap things up on the deck as well. Despite, the many good times spent inside the house, the deck is the one place, we all became to know as a second home.

The first time I started hanging out there, it was the summer of 2003, is the summer I quite possibly spent the most time on that deck. At the time, I was working at Pizza Hut, and my manager Maurice used to always have me give him a ride home and make a pit stop at McClleland's for a pint of Bacardi 151. After I would drop Maurice off down Limit Ave, I would swing by Vaeth's and more times than not him and Ross would be on the back deck and I would than pop my head in. McClleland's and Limit Ave happen to be in the same area as Vaeth's house, so it made stopping in rather convenient. Maurice, I wonder whatever happened to that guy, he was quite possibly the coolest manager ever.

Than there was the summer of 2004 and that is the summer that Bennett climbed out of the window. Now that I think about it Vaeth wasn't even there that night. He was out of town with his family, and Sue left Ross with the responsibility of supervising the house. So what does Ross do? Ross throws a freakin huge party. With the party starting to escalate in size, the likelihood of the cops coming seemed all but inevitable. With this in mind, Bennett kept referring to the option of climbing out of the basement window. Now, basement windows are typically not the biggest windows in a household and Bennett is typically not the smallest guy in a household. Several hours later though, the cops did show up, and sure enough Bennett climbed out the window. To this day, it still boggles my mind. Supposedly, someone at the party slipped a girl a roofie or something and that's why the cops came, but I think she probably just had a few too many drinks on her own.

There was another night that same summer, where Vaeth found a certain female friend that he took a particular liking too. After some time spent conversing with this female, she decided it would be a good idea to accompany him in his bedroom. Bennett and I were well aware of the shenanigans that were going on, so with the help of Shouldice and a screwdriver, we began some shenanigans of our own. The three of us ventured upstairs and began to dismantle Vaeth's doorknob. Once the doorknob was dismantled, we let off a barrage of bottle rocket's into the room. As one can quite possibly imagine, this somewhat interrupted the passion that was going on in the bedroom and Vaeth was quite enraged. I don't blame the kid, we blocked his cock, and paid no respect to general man code. Plus, we lit off fireworks in his house. He may still have a level of disregard for that night, but it's pretty memorable in my mind to say the least. Hopefully, one day he can forgive us.

I could probably write a book on the nights spent out on the deck and at the Vaeth household, but I won't. It would get kinda old after awhile, anyways. But over the course of six years, I've spent some quality time there. Quality time with good people and that is something that is hard to find.

I'm sure by this point, Andy, Damon, Ross, Vaeth, or anyone else who reads this blog from time to time, may be wondering why is the title referring too Vaeth's deck, but yet the picture, from Stacker's deck. I'm sure the thought "Well, it is Geilfuss..." ran through their mind, but I have a reason, and it's fairly valid. I scrolled through multiple pictures via Facebook of Andy, Vaeth, and myself and sadly found none of the deck. There were countless pictures taken in his house, but none with Vaeth in the picture. I didn't feel right, spending the whole entry, focused on his deck, without at least including a picture of the guy. Plus, we are on a deck in the picture, and everyone in that picture, enjoyed countless memories on Vaeth's deck as well, so thats about all folks.

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