Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Batman, Tin Cup, And "Crazy Game of Poker" on Repeat

I was hanging out at a friends apartment last week and it seems that a girl I know has resorted to online dating. If you were to go back and check the history of my blog, I mentioned my thoughts on online dating in a previous entry, if you feel like going back and doing some research, I probably published it in January and the title probably had something to do with Julia. Now, there was one thing that surprised me in her online pursuits, she managed to catch the attention of Batman. I've never had the opportunity to meet Batman, but from what I've seen the man does pretty well for himself and I was quite perplexed when I found out he had resorted to online Batman. I mean the caped wonder, drives a bad ass car, can kick some serious ass, and seems to do pretty well for himself in terms of the ladies. He's caught the attention of Katie Holmes, Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman, and a long list of various other hotties. My biggest concern about the guy has always been his best friends are an old guy and a dude in tights named Robin, but the other factors in his life have helped me ignore those downfalls. However, now that I know Batman is pursuing girls via online, instead of impressing them by kicking some serious arse and just being all that is manly, I may be starting to wonder. In fact, the girl who he pursued, didn't even respond to the guy. So not only is Batman, pursuing girls in a desperation attempt, he is being shot down doing it. But with this in mind, I gotta give it to the girl, if she can turn down Batman, she's got some potential.

I was reading online somewhere, most likely a website dedicated to the wide world of sports, that Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus will be squaring off in a skins match. This skins match obviously has all sorts of PR appeal to it, as it pits a dream match-up. Granted, Nicklaus probably has more wrinkles in his face now than John Daly has wrinkles in his personal lifestyle, but either way, it's quite easy to sell people on the idea of arguably the two greatest golfers of all time going head-to-head. However, if it were up to me, I'd much rather see Tiger go up against another elite golfer. I'd like to see a skins match between Tiger and Roy McAvoy. McAvoy, the golfer who shot the greatest 12 in U.S. Open history, and quite possibly the greatest prop gambler the game of golf has ever seen, against Tiger Tiger Woods yall. I could almost guarantee you the match would become an ESPN Instant Classic. My money would be on Tin Cup though, at least for the front 9, until he loses control and ends up shooting the back nine with a Louisville Slugger, shovel, and sand rake. As for J, I'm pretty sure he'll back Tin Cup the whole way.

This past weekend I traveled to Frederick, while there, I got the fine opportunity to use firearms and I must say if you ever have the opportunity to fire a 12 gauge shotgun into a full can of beer at close range, DO IT! You won't be disappointed with the results.

During the course of my drive to Frederick, I was listening to the radio and the song "Crazy Game of Poker" came on by O.A.R. and it reminded me of a party I once went to back in high school. The party was located at this girls house in Towson, this girl used to date Shouldice, and quite frankly, I really wish Shouldice never dated the girl. If someone were to ask me, "What is one thing you have disliked about Shouldice in the whole time you have known him?" I would probably answer, "Well, I've known Shouldice for a while, he is one of my best friends, I even lived with the guy at a point where he started to go crazy and would have full conversations in his sleep, and there is only one thing I've ever disliked about him, and that is he dated Vomit for a while." Now, Vomit isn't really the girl's name, her real name is Alex, but Stilling titled her as Vomit while they were dating, and I like that name better, so that is the name I'm going with. Anyways, back to the party. I can't remember what I was drinking at the party, but bearing that I was with Shouldice, a 30 pack of Beast Light or Schaffers Light is a damn good bet. Chances are we got it from the Liquor Pump or the China Lady as well. At some point during the course of the party, drama evolved. The drama had something to do with a private school girl who liked to draw attention to herself by cutting herself and sleeping with boys at parties and than accusing those high school boys of raping her. Her "madly in love" boyfriend, actually bought that lie, to it was kinda amusing, he cried a lot, when she was upstairs with another guy doing her thing. Than several days later, she would say that guy raped her, and he'd go around saying what an asshole that guy was and how bad he felt for her, it was really pathetic, but either way I'm getting away from the story and the drama. Now, I have always been someone to try and avoid drama, it just isn't all it is cracked up to be. So at this point, Shouldice couldn't have agreed with me more, the two of us decided to keep drinking beer and to try and find some good music. The house was full of lots of crappy music, they didn't even have a country cd in the house. Eventually, we found a mixed CD, and keeping up with the trend of things, basically every song on that CD was crappy. But, there was one good song. "Crazy Game of Poker" The two of us were stoked. At this point, with the boyfriend crying on the steps, and everyone else talking to the drunk slut who cuts herself, we decided to play this song over and over again. Now, if you have ever played one song over and over again, for several hours, in a house full of people, it tends to piss people off. Every so often people would trickle downstairs from the drama room and yell at us, but we just sat there, smiling, drinking beer, protecting the radio with a passion, and not once changing the music. Even the crying boy on the stairwell started to scream at us, but to no avail. It was an awesome night, eventually, though the night came to an end. But to this day, whenever Shouldice returns for a brief period of time from sailing the seven seas, that night is always discussed.

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