Saturday, May 30, 2009

A New Hope

Due to the emergence of some kid from Norfolk, there was nearly a sell out crowd at Camden Yards last night, and for the first time in over a decade there seems to actually be some Oriole magic. Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke Scott went deep twice, becoming the first Oriole since Joey Belle to have consecutive games with more than one home run.

Upon my arrival at the pre-game hangout, which in all honesty is quite possibly the best place to have a beer in all of Baltimore, besides maybe the Kent when Jason and Pat are working, I saw Carroll and since at the time I was flying solo, I was quite pleased to see the man. Actually, I am always quite pleased to see Carroll, and supposedly his dog Jake is getting quite big, so I may have to pop down Bouldin Street one day and check in on the young mutt. Now, Jake isn't really a mutt, but I have a tendency to call all dogs mutt's and if you have a problem with that, well, good for you, I don't give a flying shit. Anyways, Carroll was in the same situation I was, in front of Sliders alone, waiting to meet up with the person who has the tickets. So, the two of us did what two people who are at Pickles or Sliders typically do. We drank beer. With the rain getting somewhat fierce, Carroll recommended a place called Quigley's, which was in the near vicinity of Pickles, and I'm quite glad he recommended the place because it's a nice little Irish pub, that everyone should check out at some point in their life. I most certainly will be back, they sell 40's of Natty Boh, how could one not go back? Eventually though, after a fine discussion with some guy in his living room, we left Quigley's and headed back towards Pickles. Bart and Perm and the guys with Carroll's tickets were all inside Pickles, and I would have liked to go in there, but, sadly, I left my ID at home and was forced to wandering back alone.

Wandering alone in a crowded place is usually not a fun thing, but as a result of my homemade Wieters jersey, I was able to make lots of friends and eventually Damon arrived. Of the friends I made yesterday, two were from Frederick, and they were most definitely an interesting pair. One was quiet and really resembled an alien and the other was just hideous and repulsive. Typically, if I describe someone as hideous, I would not need to use the word repulsive as well, but in this case, both words are needed. Nevertheless, these girls kept making promises of getting me Frederick Key's tickets and assuring Damon and I that Market Street on Friday night in Frederick is the place to be. Supposedly, the girl knew someone who bangs Matt Wieters or something and she can get free tickets, I'm not really sure, the whole time she was talking I was trying to figure out in which alien movie did the other girl play a lead role. I think it may be Mars Attacks.

After the game, we ended up walking down and sitting with McGrain and Katie, good people they are, I was all set to head to Canton for the night. Mary was even going to give Damon and I a ride there, but I than remembered that I had left my ID at home, and I'm glad I remembered outside at Pickles, cause had I have waited till we were close to Canton Square, I would most definitely be on Mary's shit list again and that just isn't necessary. I am a little sad I missed Canton though,Jamal was there, and I heard rumors that Julia was dancing and the combination of her dancing and Jamal is good enough for anyone to enjoy. However, I had to settle for a place where no legal form of identification is required, the Get Bent Lounge.

During my time spent wandering around the area of Pickle's and Sliders, I ran into a girl who I haven't seen in quite a long time. A period of several years, perhaps. Actually, now that I think about it the last time was Thanksgiving Eve 2007 at the Crease. Not to be confused with Thanksgiving Eve 2008, when Creech was running around the Kent screaming about how he wanted to finally achieve his lifelong goal of fucking a fat chick. That night she was with a girl named Jessica, who down the street from me when I was in middle school. None of that really matters, but it's Saturday, what else do I have to do but type? Anyways, back to the girl. After the typical exchange of hugs, hellos, and how are yous, she questioned me on whether or not I should be drinking. I was a little confused to this question, as every time I've ever seen this girl, it's been in a situation where drinking is the social norm, but than she brought up my brain and I realized her thought process. She said she saw some pictures via Faceshit and heard from a friend of a friend's cousin's boyfriend, that I was near death and would take months upon months to recover. The funny part is I didn't even know the guy who told her this. Rumors, there ridiculous.

Speaking of rumors, there is one going around that Jacquie is down to one of 20 finalists for a reality show on MTV. Now, if Jacquie were to get hand picked to be on the show, I would actually have to start watching reality tv. Booboo was explaining the basic guidelines and principles of the show to me the other night and to be honest it seemed absolutely horrendous. After her explanation, I knew why I had never heard of the show, but it made me realize one thing. The show definitely needs Jacquie, because Jacquie is awesome, and she would definitely make that show worth watching.

In Damon's last blog, he writes about the real Geilfuss versus the good Geilfuss. He makes some interesting points here and there. Damon usually does that. Make good points. Hes good at that kinda thing. Also at trivia. Anyways, I've included a link for anyone interested.
Even if you don't give a shit about me, you should probably check out his blog, it's good stuff, especially if your a fan of Barack.

The Lakers won last night, advancing to the NBA Finals for the second straight year, and I am a little bit disappointed that the Nuggets couldn't pull off the upset. I really wanted to see the Birdman in the finals, but I guess I will have to wait. And the title of my blog, does refer to Kobe, so it may be destiny for the Lakers to win. I'm not really the biggest fan of Kobe, but the man can flat out ball, and he deserves a ring. They also have Pau Gasol and if the NBA were to have another lockout, he could probably get a job working as a caveman for Geico. They also have Adam Morrison and he cries.

I'm getting ready to head to Frederick for the day and it should be a good one. I'm going to be allowed to play with guns, and guns are a good thing. Everyone should have one. Plus, they make loud noises and have the ability to blow things up and thats kinda cool.

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