Monday, April 27, 2009

Popcorn Throwers Who Lie About Mother's Day

Sunday afternoon, I'm minding my own business, eating an overcooked burger that was prepared by 5 guys, and watching the NFL draft. Out of nowhere Corey brings up the fact that it is Mother's Day and how he has to go to some dinner with his Mom and Grandmother in a few hours. Now, this was really the first news of the day that seemed relevant to me, because while I know very little about NFL scouting in the first place, I know even less when it comes to the players who are drafted on Day 2. So immediately, I questioned the validity of his statement, as did Ryan, but after a convincing argument, I came to agree with him, thanked him for pointing this fact out so that I would not look like a terrible son, and was on my way. When I returned home around six p.m. and handed my mother a card and a small gift, she was quite surprised, when she found several Mother's Day gifts with her name on it. So instead of looking like a terrible son, I guess I just looked like a retarded son. Thank you Corey.

After several hours of dealing with annoying old women who can not make up their minds, I ventured down to the Orioles game with Corey to meet up with a large number of people that I associate with on a regular basis. Now, as anyone who has ever visited the bars by Camden Yards would know, it tends to be just a massive congregation of people, so you tend to maneuver frequently in varying directions. At some point in my travels, I ran into Nicole, who for some reason was very excited and surprised to realize that I knew her name. I had a tough time understanding this considering that she knows my name, and the remembering name knowing business is one area of life in which I excel. Also, I have used her place of residence as a place to crash on numerous occasions,and not to mention I have actually had a few conversations with her at various points in our brief friendship. And finally, we are friends on Facebook, and as everyone well knows a Facebook friend, is a friend for life. However, despite all these points, she still assumed that I had no clue who she was and somehow, I think me simply calling out her name, made her day, or at least it seemed to at that moment.

During the pregame activities, I was also getting quite frustrated with Corey. Thanks to a brief bout of forgetfulness, he had left his phone at my house, and kept stealing mine so that he could call acquaintances of ours, usually this wouldn't be that much of a problem, except it seemed every time, he was disappearing, I was involved in a conversation with young attractive females, that I would have liked to continue, but instead, had to follow him because he had possession of my phone and ticket into the game. Than to top all things off, after our entrance in the game, he found it particularly amusing to throw popcorn at a certain girl who was sitting with her boyfriend, who at one point in my life I entertained for a few late nights, and say "Geilf says hi," every time she turned around. After four or five popcorn hits to the head, she got up with her boyfriend and decided to relocate. To be honest though, it was pretty entertaining, and he's still good in my book.

But by far, the funniest part of the evening, was definitely on the cab ride to the game. As were on our travels to the game, I heard a voice calling my last name from a cab and looked over to see Jesse, Brann, and Amanda in the cab next to us. I begin conversing with Jesse, and Corey leans over to me and says "Is that guy in the middle Julia's gay friend, Matt?"

The weather is starting to get warm around these parts, and it really makes the scenery so much more beautiful when I drive around Towson.

Game 7 of the Capitals-Rangers series is tomorrow,and I'm hoping that Ovie, Mike Green, and Company can do away with the pesky Rangers and claim the victory. First of all it would be gratifying to see Sean Avery be eliminated from playoff contention and secondly, it would be nice to see Ovie continue his quest to be the ugliest person ever to sip from Lord Stanley's cup.

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