Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Few Things I Believe, A Few Things I wonder......

I believe that the Orioles will contend for the World Series in 2011. I'm not saying they will win the damn thing or even take the A.L. pennant but with some maturation of our young arms and bats, we will be a serious threat. I could probably write a whole blog on the extent of this statement, but I may save that for another day.

I wonder what the road construction workers from York and Seminary to York and Ridgely do to earn their paychecks. I've been driving for eight years now and there is still always construction. Fix the damn road already.

I believe the Maryland State Fair is an under appreciated yearly event in Timonium. With that in mind, I will most likely miss out on the opportunity to attend once again this year.

I wonder if Corey will once again make an appearance at the Maryland State Fair, squander nearly 200 dollars in an effort to win at the ball toss game, and spend the next few weeks debating on whether or not he should give up the scanning business in hopes of becoming a traveling carnie.

I believe that all bar scenes are basically the same. Granted, there are your obvious differences between Mosiac and the Kent Lounge, but in the end, it's simply a bunch of people, wasting their money, to try and have a few drinks, relax, enjoy their time spent with their friends, and perhaps meet new people. Those of you who believe you are too good or too old or too young to drink at a certain establishment, well, get over yourself girlfriend, your just not that hot.

I wonder what would have happened if Bo Jackson, never injured his hip. Just give him the ball in Tecmo Super Bowl and you will see what I mean.

I believe that country music, when sung at a fast pace, and by a man, is God's gift to music. I don't know what it is about women's country music, or slow country music, but I just can't do it. That being said, Taylor Swift is still worth watching.

I wonder if Creech, Baby Creech, and Brann, were really on Busted. Seriously, I've spent hours searching MTV and the Internet and found no signs of this statement being true. Many of friends have done the same thing in a attempt to see the Creech household on MTV, and all have failed in the process.

I believe that ADD is a myth. It's not that you can't focus, you just don't want too. Work and school are just not as much fun as the five straight hours you spent tuned into a video game or wrapped up in another hobby of yours. In no way shape or form am I saying that Adderall or Concerta, does not work, it's just simply steroids for students and those working outside of Major League Baseball and the World Wrestling Federation.

I wonder why some people are Atheists or believe in the theory of the Big Bang. Do you really think a bunch of gases somehow got mixed together and were able to bring us the likes of Flava Flav, Dennis Rodman, and Joan Rivers.

I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontang are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe that there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning, rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."

Well not really all that, I just stole that from Crash Davis, and I believe that Bull Durham is the greatest sports movie ever written and if anyone truly writes a movie about baseball without finding a spot for Kevin Costner, they have screwed up. Also I was running short on time and had to bring an end to this nonsense somehow.

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