Friday, September 18, 2009

The Alabama Black Snake Visits South Carolina

Recently in this blog, I have discussed the possibility of a road trip and a dramatic event in the summer of 2006 involving my Jeep. In this entry, I am going to merge those two ideas together and talk about a 2006 road trip. The destination was Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and the trip was epic. Lgabell's family owns a condo down there and she was gracious enough to extend an invite to a few of her friends to enjoy a week in the sun in mid July. Corey, Julia, and Lgabell all took full advantage of the opportunity and headed down for the full week. As for myself, I could only make a long weekend out of it, but was able to pick up a few stragglers to enjoy the drive down I-95 with, and those stragglers were Bennett, Mike Major, and none other than Drew DahDah.

As the trip neared, I was stoked when I heard the news that Lindsay was out of town and Bennett would be driving her Passat. However, when it came time to depart Baltimore, this news turned out to be only a mirage, as Lindsay was in fact still in town, and there would no stealing of the Volkswagen, leaving us with the Jeep. The only positive thing about Lindsay being in town, was the chocolate chip cookies she made us for the journey. Anyways, it wasn't long before Bennett and I soon realized, that an eight hour drive with Major and DahDah in the backseat of your car seems like an eternity, because the two do nothing but rant about nonsense and your brain sorta just turns to mush after awhile. Thankfully, though Bennett had a tin of skoal and manned the wheel the entire way down. I swear, the kid want's to be a long haul truck driver someday. Not too mention he's got a great taste in music and the songs of Kenny Chesney and Alabama were able to tune out the babbling duo in the back. We also noticed on the ride down that poor Corey must have been overrun by estrogen, in the three days he had spent alone with Laura and Julia, because he must have called us every thirty minutes on the regular to check up on our estimated time or arrival, just praying for a dosage of testosterone to help him feel like a man again. After quite the long journey, we did eventually arrive and the real shenanigans were soon underway.

With the whole crew now comfortably set up in the condo, it wasn't long before trouble and nonsense came about. Typically, it started with some fierce games of 500 rummy, as Julia was quite displeased with her inability to win, the way I hold my cards, or the fact that I tend to sit Indian style. As the rummy matches begin to cease, the Alabama Black snake emerged, as Mike Major graced us all with his homo erotic dance skills and a peep show. The man was able to defend these dance moves though as he impressed a horde of strippers on Highway 17, and earned us a free bucket of Corona's. DahDah, was no where to be found that night though, because supposedly Drew DahDah in a strip club is like a kid in a candy store, and he would have been all lost and googly eyed staring down the strippers without a clue what to do.

Lost amidst the strippers and free dance shows, were the Levi builders of 69 and 72, Scottish dudes, Superman being put to shame at Club Kryptonite, and a few intense games of miniature golf. The trip concluded with Corey and Major, stealing the infamous vault as we ran down the street, drinking forties,homeless men, and late night swims. Today, the vault still rests on Sean's deck, collecting dust, and South Carolina only serves as a memory of time well spent.

The Orioles play host to Boston tonight, and it is the last Friday night game of the season, and if you know me at all, you should know that I will be in the vicinity of Pickles and Sliders prior to the start of the game. To make things more interesting, my main Matt Wieters has been on an absolute tear as of late, visiting Eutaw Street on Tuesday, and hitting the first walk-off home run of his career on Wednesday. Hopefully, he continues the heroics tonight, and hopefully for my sake, there are no repulsive aliens from Frederick in attendance.

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