Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Roadtrip to Vegas, to Kick Off the New Millennium

Shortly following my third and final fantasy draft, I stopped by to check in on Tyson and Stilling for a minute, and to little surprise the topic of conversation soon drifted to football. As the conversation progressed, Tyson and I began dabbling into the possibility of planning an upcoming road trip. Now, the sole purpose of this road trip would be to attend a Raven's game in an opposing team's stadium. Minnesota, Green Bay, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, were all discussed as possible destinations. The discussion soon began to pick up some heat as we discussed who would possibly join on us in this weekend long adventure and it wasn't long before half of Towson was mentioned. Townsend and Ross were two key components in this equation, as I had spent part of the afternoon discussing this idea with Townsend, and we all know what happened the only time I ever took a road trip with Ross. At some point,Tyson came across a Ravens schedule and it wasn't long before he had his heart set on a certain trip. Tyson wanted to travel to Vegas for New Years Eve and than catch another flight to Oakland for the Ravens final regular season game on January 3rd against the Raiders. Stilling and I began to express our concerns, specifically financial concerns, as a New Year's in Vegas could take a toll on the wallet. Despite our thoughts, Tyson was still quite adamant about the whole idea, and refused to back down. At this point he offered these few words of wisdom, "Stills, it's 2010, it's the start of a whole new millennium, and it's Vegas, c'mon!" Or something similar to that, the man was kinda slurring his words at this point, but I got the basic gist of what he was trying to say. To make things clear, I would without a doubt love to head to Vegas for New Years with Tyson, Townsend, and Ross, especially to kick off the start of a new millennium, but I was stuck with three main concerns: 1. The whole financial aspect, as previously discussed. 2. If Tyson, Towsnsend, Ross, and I were to ever embark out west to visit Sin City, well I think it's almost a sure fire guarantee, that one of us will either end up dead, lost, in jail, or without shoes. Most likely all four will occur, and I'm sure the events that would have taken place would make the movie "The Hangover" seem like amateur hour and 3. We still have 90 years to the new millennium, and I'm not quite sure that any of us are going to make it to 114.

Now, as for the road trip, I am still all about it. In my mind, Cleveland and Cincinnati seem the most plausible as they are within driving distance. Plus, by the time the Ravens travel to Ohio both the Bengals and Browns should be eliminated from playoff contention, therefore drastically dropping the price of tickets. Also, the timing would allow us to get together a good group of people for a road trip, and a good core of people is hands down essential for a quality road trip. So with this post, I am hereby inviting any interested partakers, and hopefully we can make this whole thing happen. Cleveland may be the most intriguing possibility, because with Cleveland comes the Moos brothers, Monday Night Football, and Big Rob.

Lately, whenever I have been in social settings, the topic of Halloween has been brought forth. It isn't even mid September, and people are already planning their costumes. As for me, I'm not too worried about my costume just yet, I'm sure I will come up with something interesting and amusing, my biggest concern, however, is that this year I manage to stay out of Mexican gay bars in downtown Baltimore. Although, the tequila flows rather freely in those establishments.

With the first pick of the 2009 Yahoo Fantasy football fantasy draft, Soiled Panties selects kicker Sebastian Janikowski of the Oakland Raiders.

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