Friday, September 11, 2009

A Dispicable Steeler's Fan

After witnessing an embarrassing incident last night involving two customers at Glory Days, I am further in believe that football fans from the state of Pennsylvania are quite possibly some of the worst human beings on the face of the earth. I was strolling around the bar area, shortly after Rob Bironas attempted field goal was blocked in the first half and caught wind of a Steeler fan argueing with a middle aged woman, who was sporting a Ravens jersey. According to the bartender Jay, the Steeler fan, supposedly had said something in regards to the overall excellence of the Steeler defense following the block and the woman responded by saying that it had nothing to do with defense, Bironas simply missed the kick. This woman, continued to argue that Bironas missed the kick, and that a blocked field goal was in no way shape or form, a good play for the defense. After a few seconds of this rediculous claim, this Steeler's fan became enraged and unleashed a barrage of insults and curse words onto this middle aged woman in defense of his arguement. It was so intense and offensive, that this woman began to back away from her statement and was almost brought to the point of tears. At this point, the guy started to laugh at her expense and began to talk trash about Ravens' fans. Eventually, the guy settled down and went back to drinking his beer quietly and simply being a horrible person. Now, usually I would not rip into someone who got a little adamant after a few beers when someone made an absurd claim, but if the someone making the erroneous claim is a friendly middle aged woman suffering from down syndrome, well than buddy, your an asshole, and quite possibly the worst human being on earth. Get the fuck out my restaurant, and go hang out with Osama Bin Laden and child molesters. Perhaps some karma was sent your way, when that long haired bastard in your backfield went down with an injury. Dispicable.

Recently, when I have been hanging out with a group of friends, I have been questioned about the number of older people I associate with on a regular basis. Some of my friends, seem perplexed as to what would lead me to do such a thing. Personally, I believe if one is determined to keep all their friends in a specific age bracket, than they are silly, but perhaps that's just me. Anyways, I am now going to jot down a list of the so called older people that I associate with on a regular basis.

Jamal- Somehow he has escaped this classification, perhaps it is due to the vibrant colors he sports everytime he goes out, dynamic attitude, or overall awesomeness, but either way, Jamal falls into this category because he is a bit older and isn't even the youngest person on the list. Which brings us to......

Kevin- Walk into Glory Days sometime between 2 and 5 and you will most likely find, Kevin drinking a Budweiser and sitting at the bar by himself. The mirror image of Sean O'Connor, Kevin is a 32 year old trust fund baby, who spends more time getting to know each and every female Glory days employee in the Biblical sense, than he does actually working. The son of a dedicated and hard nosed businessman, Kevin is the polar oppostie. Either way though, the man is quite amusing, could sell ice to Eskimos, and is fun to drink with.

Tedd- Perhaps the most influetial person on here, because he possibly saved my life with a few words of advice. If it weren't for him, it might just burn every time I pee. While I have agreed to let Google post some advertisements on my blog, Tedd is also the only person I know who has been giving free advertising. His photography website is linked on my main page, and it is also possible that he is the only boss I've ever had that actually still likes me. As for now, I will just leave him to pester Lindsay about my whereabouts.

Pat- Hands down the nicest and most decent person on this list. No offense to anyone else that is mentioned, but when it comes to the overall deceny of people, there are few that are better than Pat. I feel bad for him in some ways, because for the past ten years he has had to work for a horrible Greek person. Pat, is also perhaps, the sole reason, I believe the Kent Lounge is the best bar ever.

Damon- If Pat is the best person on this list, Damon is by far the worst. Right now, I'm sure you can find the man drinking beer and wagering on sports somewhere in San Antonio. He has claimed that if he were to ever walk into a church it would burn down. That being said if I ever visit New York, end up on an episode of Cash Cab, and get to a question where I need to call someone for advice, he will be the first person I call, no matter the subject, no questions asked.

Steve- Possibly the person on this list, I've spent the least amount of time talking to, but it was his prescence last weekend that sparked this conversation, so the man deserves mention.

Mike Hupp- I'm not really sure if that's how you spell his last name, but that's what I'm going with. The only member of this crew to belong to the prestiged Towson Elks community, which he routinely promises he will take me to one day. If you ever see me taking a shots where ducks are farting, you can most definitely know that Hupp is not far.

Jay- I'm going to bring this list to a conclusion with Jay. Like Damon you can most likely find him in a bar somewhere, wagering on sports, however unlike Damon, Jay does not win. Every day he has a new pick that is the so called "Lock of the Century" and every day he is flabbergasted when they somehow fall short. I usually give Jay my hellos and how are you's and by that point, I've become so aggravated it is now time to resort to mocking the man.

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