Monday, June 29, 2009

BobbyLite Fest 2k9

As I have mentioned before my weekend routine last June was far from favorable and as a result, I missed nearly all of Bobby Lite Fest 2k8. I was actually kinda pissed at Bobby for awhile there, but I soon found out that I was more than welcome to crash at Bobby's and a manipulative lil' asshole named Smedium had just conned his way into finding a safe ride back to Baltimore. I swear as soon as I called the little piece
of shit, he probably spent the whole forty five minutes it took me to get there, thinking of every possible rebuttal to get me to drive him back home, and needless to say he succeed. To make matters worse, upon my return to Baltimore, I was greeted in quite the horrifying manner. I walk inside my house, only to see Creech admiring himself in all his nakedness because he had shaved a heart out of his chest hair. He thought this was the funniest thing ever and began to chase Smedium around the house, somehow he eventually put some clothes on, and the two of us went over to Tyson's were Benson, Major, and Townsend were pretending to be British astronaut's, but that's a different story for a different day.

Anyways, BobbyLite Fest 2k9, was quite possibly all it was cracked up to be. Booboo was blacked out and put on alcohol restriction by 4, there was plenty of delicious food, Jamal's little puppy enjoyed herself, and BobbyLite stole the #1 highlight of the day as he got some serious air during a round of tubing. I was even mocked a little bit by Bobby's parents for being the kid that drove all the way from Baltimore last year only to turn around and drive back home within the hour, but Booboo and Bobby did manage to help me redeem some self-esteem by convincing them that Smedium really can a be manipulative lying son-of-a-bitch at times. Hell, at some point during the day, Calvert County arrived and Creech actually made a somewhat serious and truthful comment. It was in reference to my blog, specifically in reference to Jen Jones. He stated that I underestimated the creepiness of that girl and the creepiness of the things that were coming out of her mouth and he couldn't of been more on point. The sad thing though is there isn't that much I think I can do to help you understand just how terrifying it truly was, but I can add a few details that I forgot to include. At one point, Jen wandered away from the basement and upon her return, I was forced to wandering around my house checking to make sure everything seemed to be in place, as of today, I am still dreading the moment I overhear my mother is missing a piece of jewelry. Also, Creech pretended to be passed out on the couch, so the girl wouldn't talk to him anymore and would let him be and there was a bizarre car trip to 7-11 as well. Anyways, I'm glad I'm done with that girl.

I don't quite know what it is, but June and July have never been the best month's of the year for me. I'm not really gonna go into all this, but if you wanna know the saga that is my life in June and July, just call Bennett, he loves to speak about Geilfuss in June and July.

As for this June, my biggest issue has been my financial state and maintaining employment. Hell, Saturday I made the decision to part ways with Applebee's, because it was quite possibly the worst place I have ever worked. The funny thing is they have since called me twice, wondering when I would like to schedule my second day of training, completely ignoring the fact that I just didn't show up because it was the worst run establishment I have ever seen. For starters, they only had one employee who has reached the qualifications that an Applebee's restaurant requires for one to train new employee's, and my 5 levels of training would have taken nearly a month, because for some god forsaken reason, they decided to hire three people at one time. Than there was their kitchen manager Rex, who didn't have a clue what he was doing. Despite having spent all of about 39 minutes in the restaurant, and 2 minutes overlooking their menu, I was able to call him out on four different occasions during the course of the day about how we was doing certain things wrong, he was very grateful each time, and I later found out that all the employee's working have just become so accustomed to his mistakes that they no longer find the need to correct him and just go on with the mistake, it was mind boggling, it really was, in a not so good way.

So, with that now being a foregone part of my life, I have since been inclined to move on, and I have found myself with two jobs. I will be working full-time at my old stomping ground, a lovely little place known as Glory Days and I will also be working part-time for my Dad. All in all, it should be around 60 hours or so a week, which may take a toll on my social life but being that I'm facing the possibility of being homeless in just over month, that's probably the way to go. Things should get real interesting to come the fall, when I will attempt to take classes for the first time in several years, assuming I get approved for some student loans. Nevertheless, I will manage, I always do.

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