Friday, July 3, 2009

My Main Man Woody

In my last post I ranted a bit about the atrocity of the kitchen manager at Applebee's. I could continue to divulge on the shortcoming's of this man, but alas, I will cut him some slack, because, all in all he was a decent human being. Instead, I will shift the attention to another kitchen manager, my main man Woody.

I worked with Woody at Bo Brooks and throughout my tenure there I couldn't of been more impressed. The man does a pretty stellar job of running the kitchen and if he were ever selected to go on that god awful reality show where some British chap rips clueless American's a new asshole, I would quite possibly be entwined to break my ban on reality television. I'd like to tune in solely to see Woody deck the lil bastard with a strong right hook when he goes on one of his childish rants and secondly, who wouldn't get a kick out of seeing someone they know on television? At times, I often felt that some of the other servers, especially those who only worked there during the summer, kinda gave the man a bad wrap, specifically those of the more attractive sex. Apparently, if your a smaller member of the female race, you can be quite intimated when a rather large black man is yelling at an obscene rate. There were a few that were even scared to approach the man, when they had an issue, due to his sometimes boisterous nature. As for me, when I address a situation, I like to look into both sides of the story and if anyone were to adequately analyze the situation as to why Woody yelled on a regular basis, they would most certainly adjust their opinions. I will now explain. For starters, one must realize who the man had working under him. His most reliable cook was Anthony, and Anthony can get so god damn annoying at times that even the most reserved of people can be forced to raise their voice. Hell, even I yelled at the guy on a few occasions, and that's just not my nature. I mean I love the guy to death, there were numerous occasions where I would sit around aimlessly to give him a ride back to Hamilton, once I even waited around for over 2 hours and missed out on a sure fire opportunity to get laid, and it didn't even bother me, but damn if the man can't be an annoying son of a bitch at times. I don't know if it's the fact that the motherfucker never stopped smiling, or that he never stopped talking, or that he never stopped hitting on other male employees, but after a while, you just have to tell him to shut the f up. So now, if your working next to him on a regular basis, it would probably cause your skin to boil, and I can imagine that boiling skin, would cause one to lose their temper.

To make matters worse, he had C.J. working under him as well and to be honest, I just never quite understood that man. He was a friendly guy and I was always nothing but pleasant with him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, I became instantly confused. It seemed that nothing meaningful could ever come out of his mouth, he would just talk and talk and talk, and than talk some more, about absolute nonsense. Seriously, there were probably a number of times I conversed with C.J. and just walked away, shaking my head, and muttering under my breath "What in god's name was that man talking about?" And to top things off he had a whole staff of people who couldn't even speak a lick of English. One would ask for dessert and be given potato salad. It was mind boggling. So with this in mind, I want one who was concerned about the tone of Woody's nature, to pause and think for a moment, because if your line of work entitled you to deal with Anthony, C. J., and the whole Hong nation, wouldn't you get a bit frustrated at times? Hell, I even forgot to mention that he had Curlee working under him and that just proves my point to a whole new degree.

In conclusion, I couldn't have been more impressed with the man. Whether he was chasing down criminals who tried to siphon gas from his car, behind the line cooking, or simply raising a storm, it was all meant in good intentions, and when I found out that he read my blog, a shout out was more than merited.

In other news, it is apparent that Julia has developed an eye irritation as a result of her contacts, and will spend the next few weeks, walking around blind. For some reason, she is refusing to wear glasses, and will resort to trusting her natural eyesight, which according to her is far from spectacular. As if things weren't going to get interesting enough when I embark for the A.O. next Friday, now we will have a blind Julia on our hands.

Well, I have a bit more to say, but my television is in the other room, and from the tone of the music, John Jay Rambo is about to be the ultimate badass and wreak havoc on a tiny police crew in the forests of Washington. Peace.

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