Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Drunk Liar Who Makes Better Predictions than Jay

To be completely honest, I probably watch too much television in my day-to-day life. However, Sportscenter, College Basketball, the NBA, and The Simpsons, do very little when it comes to informing you on the recent trends in the weather. This presented itself as a problem for me this previous weekend. So I typically judge the weather by the current temperature, and the temperature of the past few days. So Saturday morning when I awoke, I stepped outside, and being that I am fairly cold blooded, not quite entirely cold blooded as Stilling is, I decided that I would be just fine wearing a polo and flip-flops when I went out after work Saturday night. Shortly, after reaching this decision I packed my clothes and was off to work. About 50 minutes, later thanks to some assholes turning all of I-83, into one lane for nearly three and half feet of construction work that two tiny Hispanic workers were doing, I arrived at work and the first words out of my general manager Chris were "ready for the snow storm tonight??" I soon found out that he was being serious, and I in turn, was screwed. Next thing I know, its nearly midnight and I am walking to Canton square in flip-flops and a bright blue polo, looking like some prick in the Florida Keys. To make things worse, at last call I got separated from the people I was with, and was standing outside the bar freezing my ass off, trying to find out a place to go and seek hibernation and warmth for the night. As I'm standing in here, I hear some guy in a red SUV yell something about some douche bag who is standing around by himself in the snow while wearing flip-flops. Being that it was safe to assume that I was the only one he could be referring too, I looked up to see my buddy Ted from work, who saved my night, by saving me from the cold and from spending an additional 5-7bucks on the short cab ride to my buddy Eric's house in Fells point.

As I mentioned in one of my more recent blogs, some buddy of Steve's informed me about the wonders of the sport of bobsledding. At the time, this kid seemed like the world's most knowledgeable person when it came to bobsledding. However, the next morning, all of this turned out to be a complete lie and misrepresentation of the truth. Despite all of this, one of his erroneous claims became true this past week, as the U.S. captured gold in the bobsledding World Championships. So I guess what I'm saying is even if your piss ass blacked out drunk, lying your ass off in a desperation attempt to provide amusement for yourself only, and just throwing out random incoherent statements, you have a better chance of making a right prediction than Jay does.

I went over to Bobby and Booboo's apartment last night for the world's shortest lived and hyped birthday party. I enjoyed some damn tasty lasagna, a funny movie, and even some good conversation about unemployed, clingy, 30 year old's, all in terms of setting up the hype for Booboo's birthday. After all this, the clock eventually struck midnight, and the celebration began. Thirty minutes later, Booboo was asleep, Bobby was brushing his teeth, and I was putting on my boots and getting ready to come home. At least the lasagna was good though.

Lately, whenever I have gone out into a social setting with a group of people, there have been several people that have approached me, in efforts to establish themselves and earn an entrance into my blog. While, I appreciate their attempts, it is in no means a compliment, to be named or written about in one of my blogs. While, some people, have achieved great recognition, there are many people who I have insulted, others I have made jealous, and others I have just ignored. In reality, one should not take offense if they are not mentioned, because chances are if I am talking to you and even acknowledging you, I like you and one day, one way or another you will find your way into my blog. It really shouldn't be too hard either, because I just about like everyone there is, except of course, Hines Ward, Osama Bin Laden, and Rosie O'Donnell, so unless your in that small group, your chance to shine is one day awaiting.

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