Monday, March 16, 2009

The Madness Has Begun because were all Irish today

The NCAA tournament begins Thursday, and I don't think there is anything greater than March Madness. Not only does it encourage idiots to gamble, but it also provides thrilling upsets, unsung heroes, and great bar specials. Plus, this year there is no Billy Packer.

I will have to meet up with Pat at some point this week and discuss running another pool. Pool's are always a fun and interesting thing to do this time of year, because there's always one idiot who makes some of the most absurd selections imaginable. Usually it's someone like Shouldice who pencils Holy Cross into the Final Four, because he believes they have God on their side and with God on your side you can not lose a basketball game. Also, somehow there's always some lady from Corey's office who is atop the leaderboard throughout most of the tournament, and than falls apart once we get to the Elite Eight. One also has to watch out for Quigley's bracket as well, because even with his animal instincts it's almost as if ole Quigley has the mind of a man who knows quite possibly more about college basketball, bars, and betting on college basketball, than anyone else out there. For all those interested, I will probably be running the pool, 20$ a bracket, holler at yer boy.

Thanks to some Saint named Patrick, we all get to celebrate our Irish heritage this week, and most people I know do this by consuming in unhealthy amount of alcohol. I'm kind of half tempted to celebrate Tuesday at one of the various bars on Harford Road, for the sole reason of probably running into Anthony. Anthony, is the chef at my work, and said he loves St. Patricks day because he gets to stumble around the bar's near his house, and piss off all the drunken white people by saying stupid things that only white people should say and being the only black guy dressed in green. I'm sure it would be quite entertaining, but the last time I went to a bar on Harford Road, I ended up with a 100 some dollar bar tab, a "girlfriend" who wouldn't accept the fact that we were not dating, and a hangover from hell. Gotta love Dead Freddies.

A lot of people I know decided to celebrate St. Patrick's day this weekend. I kind of half attempted to go out Saturday night, but drove around cluelessly trying to find some hotel that everyone gave bad directions too, even a cab driver. Although in defense of the cab driver, I don't know if it were his directions that were bad or if it were my interpretation of his thick Nigerian accent but either way, I ended up driving around aimlessly for twenty minutes, than just saying screw it and going home. Looking back on it, I probably should have just found some bar in Canton and hung out there, because it was ADub's birthday, and according to LSilv, Julia's drunken dancing managed to outdo everything she was doing the whole night, which being that it's Julia were talking about, is quite the statement. Plus, once I started driving home it turned into the international don't pick up the phone for Geilfuss night. But, on the plus side I made a lot of progress in my career mode in MLB the Show and John Geilfuss is now a starting pitcher for the West Tennessee Diamond Jaxx, with a 98 mile per hour fastball. Yeah, I'm a dork.

On the topic of St. Patrick's day, I have always wanted a bar to hire someone, dress them up as a Leperchaun, and have them throw things at the stupid drunken idiots that wander around the bar. I think Smedium or Ross would be the perfect candidate for this job and Creech would probably end up with a black eye from being hit so many times.

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