Monday, February 9, 2009

Twidling my Thumbs, A Random Ass Bar, and Hot Spanish Girls That Never Existed

If you were to force me to choose two people to go out with some night, with no idea what to expect, and have to come back with an interesting story, I may just choose Bart and Perm. As I've mentioned before I've had wheelchair races at four in the morning with them and have almost woken up hungover in Toledo with these guys. Friday night, proved to be just as interesting. I started off the night by heading down to Amanda and Jesse's place to pregame, before we all went to JD's. It was here that I ran into both Perm and Bart, but before long, I went downstairs to hang out with Ryan and Joe, who Corey had just picked up from Silver Spring. We were camped out by the front door, and around 1:15 A.M., Perm and Bart are headed out the door. Perm invited me to come out with the two of them, Bart was screaming something about how I wasn't allowed to go with them, and I was a little hesitant due to it being so late. However, Perm assured me that I wanted to join them, and I went along for the adventure. Our original destination was Portside, but the next thing I know Bart is knocking on some random red door and telling me and Perm to trust him. All of the sudden, I hear someone saying over an intercom that these guys are cool, and we are being buzzed in to this place. There are several poker tables in the room, a bar, and several old Polish men sitting at this bar. I felt like I was walking into Teddy KGB's place from Rounders. As soon as we get up to the bar, the bartender is telling all his buddies that this guy is "wild", referring to Bart. Perm leans over to me and says " If some guy that works at a place like this is calling you wild, you know your wild." I had to agree with him.

After we left this place, it was a little past two, and we were trying to hail a cab, back to Bart's. Bart was puking in the streets of Canton, and we eventually somehow found a cab, and were on our way. As soon as we get back there, Perm is getting me to do shots of gin, and Corey is calling me saying I need to damage control and convince these six hot Spanish girls to stay outside his house, until he get's there and can let every one inside. After making the short walk from Bart's to Corey's, there are no Spanish girls and it is just Joe, Poly, and Townsend sitting outside. Corey and Ryan arrived shortly thereafter, and before I knew it, there was a late night party at his place. Eventually, I wondered back to Bart's to crash. I'm still convinced that these hot Spanish girls were just a figment of Corey and Townsend's imagination and never really existed.

The next night, Julia told me that Lindsay and her roommate's were having people over than going to Federal Hill, so the two of us met up with Poly and Corey, and were on our way over there. Upon our arrival, I quickly figured out that I knew no one in the house besides Lindsay's two roommate's and her one roommate's boyfriend, and that Lindsay was still at work. Corey and Poly, decided to venture back to Poly's to play video games until it was time to leave. No sooner do they do that, than the whole house basically decides to go to the bar. Now, it is just me, Julia, and Jess. I'm sitting in between the two of them and they start talking about how horrible their ex-bfs are and all this other shit. The two of them are leaning forward, going on and on about relationships, and their ex-boyfriends and I'm just leaning back twidling my thumbs, trying to figure out if it's more entertaining for the right thumb to go over the left thumb or vice versa. I kind of wanted to repeatedly stab myself in the foot just for a change of subject, but eventually Lindsay did show up, and I don't think I've ever been happier to see anyone in my life.

I was out and about today, running some errands, and searching for a job, when I got a phone call from Creech. First and foremost, he starts yelling at me for not being at his most recent "Sunday Funday" when he failed to even give me a call. I guess he feels that I have reached some sort of level of telepathy with him and I should automatically know where he is and be there at all times. This has yet to happen and for some reason I don't believe it ever will. Anyways, he goes onto tell me some crazy story about how he started drinking at Friday's at 2:00 p.m, was awoken by cops for sleeping in a parking garage in Towson, and ended up the night at Calladagh's in Canton wearing girls clothing and pink slippers. At the end of the story he asked me, " Am I endlessly entertaining now?" I think he's secretly jealous and offended that I defined Steve as endlessy entertaining and one day wants to reach that level, I just don't know if he has it in him.

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