Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just another Monday night at the Kent

I have already received several text messages today from various bartenders that I come into contact with from time to time, inviting me to come to their bar for Fat Tuesday to celebrate Mardi Gras. I find this interesting, because somehow I'm supposed to be super excited that today is Fat Tuesday and the start of Mardi Gras, when I live in Towson. Now, I'm sure Mardi Gras is probably all it's cracked up to be, but the problem is, Mardi Gras is in New Orleans. Not in Baltimore, not in Towson, not in Kentucky, not in San Francisco, but in New Orleans. It's not Christmas, or the Fourth of July, or even freaking Flag Day. If I show up to some bar tonight with a bunch of beads around my neck, I am in no way shape or form, celebrating Fat Tuesday, I am just some asshole pathetic loser, with beads strapped around my neck, parading around the bar with some desperation attempt to celebrate an event that is occuring thousands of miles away. However, I guess some people feel that they need an "excuse" to go out and drink on a Tuesday night, and being that it is Fat Tuesday, it is good enough for them. If I end up going out, it will probably because I am bored and looking for something to do, not because it's Fat Tuesday.

After work last night, I decided to meet up with Andy and Damon at the Kent. Now, I had not been to the Kent since Super Bowl Sunday, which is probably the longest stint I have gone without stopping by the Kent in six years and yes, I realize that six years ago I was 17. As soon as I got near the door I could tell Paulie was DJ'ing because there was some god awful song playing and no one was in the bar, but that probably is what makes the Kent so awesome. Next thing I know, I'm playing Uno, which is quite typical as well. After a while, Pat came up with some game, where everyone had to list their top 3 favorite movies. Than it became everyone's 4th, 5th, and 6th favorite movie. Eventually, some kid walked in that did a damn good Christopher Walken impersonation. By the end of the night, we were at our 19th, 20th, and 21st favorite movies .Jason was out of options and kept naming cartoons, Mikey was in his own lil world and couldn't really follow the rules of the game, and the Christopher Walken kid was going on and on about movies he had watched on an airplane, while drugged up on Xanex. Needless to say, it was an interesting night and the movie game kind of drowned out the music playing in the background.

Creech was in town this weekend and as soon as he came into Steve's he immediately started to bitch about my blog. I think he's still bitter about the fact that I did not describe him as endlessly entertaining.

Friday night, I went back to Steve's after the bars and at about 4, everyone that was there started to pass out. I grabbed a spot on the couch, and Steve's buddy, whose name I do not remember, was on the other couch. This guy turns on bobsledding. Now, the only time I have ever watched anyone bobsled, is in the movie Cool Runnings. Anyways, as were watching bobsledding this kid is going on and on telling me about the bobsledders that are currently on the television. He is informing me that the U.S. has a real shot at gold in the next winter Olympics in Vancouver, the driver for the Swedish team is one of the best drivers in bobsled history, and that Russia has been a huge disappointment the past few years. I found all this very interesting because I enjoy learning new things, especially when it comes to sports, even a sport such as bobsledding. The next morning, while Steve was bitching about being up so early even though it was almost one, the topic of bobsledding came back up amidst our conversation. Turns out, Steve's buddy hasn't the slightest clue about bobsledding, and was just piss ass drunk and lying his ass off for the hell of it. He was quite amused to hear the stories he was telling me about the Swedish driver and U.S.A. medal quest, because in reality, not one of us knows if the driver for Sweeden is anything special, if the U.S. is decent, or if Jamaica will have another bobsled team.

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