Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Taking A Splash in Baltimore's Finest Waterpark

I mentioned in one of my more recent blogs that I was considering attending my sixth and a half year high school reunion. After much debate, I decided I would attend, mainly because what else was I going to do on the night after Christmas? So the other night I headed down to Frank and Nick's West End Grill. Now, Frank and Nick's watering hole is located right by a few of my favorite watering holes, Pickles and Sliders, so getting there was rather easy. Upon my arrival I noticed it somewhat humorous that things were basically the same. There were probably thirty people there from Towson High, spread into five or six groups. Basically these groups consisted of the same people who were friends in high school and are still friends today. It wasn't until the alcohol started to take effect that people began to mingle and the five or six groups broke into one or two. About half way through the reunion, I started conversing with McGrain and as I've said before I'm a big fan of the kid. He shares my thoughts on the Orioles, at least some of them, and together we termed a phrase describing the academic careers of Stilling and myself. The term was the doctors, lawyers, Stilling, and Geilfuss plan, because well by the time Stilling and I graduate with bachelors degrees, some of our classmates will be graduating from law schools and medical schools.

After a while, the high school reunion started to dwindle down and people started to go their separate ways. Some of my friends were headed to this new club Mist in Powerplant, but I am far from a club person and was completely content with avoiding the crowds and loud music that come at the club scene and heading into Canton with Nate and Ryan. However, word eventually got to Ryan that there were plenty of shenanigans going on at Mist and next thing I know, Nate and I are outside hitching a cab with Ryan to join in at Club Mist. This happened primarily because Ryan decided to use his wheelchair as a battering ram against my legs until I agreed to go to the club. Mist was basically the scene I expected. An overcrowded bar with a huge dance floor used by overaggressive men trying to impress loose scantily dressed women. The cast of the Jersey Shore would fit in perfectly at this place. Eventually, the mood and music got to me and I was forced to strut a few of my finest dance moves and these dance moves have found their way to facebook, courtesy of Shannon, although Gabe does steal the majority of the show. After a few hours and a few too many red bull vodkas, last call was called and the lights came on. Throughout the bar, hundreds of guys and gals became terrified when they could actually see the faces of those they had spent the last two hours grinding away with, but like the majority of people in there, they realized they were horrible human beings and were taking them home anyways.

Alcohol played its part in my next days events as well, although, thankfully for my sake I was not the one involved. I don't know what it is, but when you combine football and alcohol and take away the presence of females, stupidity is sure to follow. Well, this was most certainly the case on Sunday as about halfway through the third quarter of the Ravens game it became evident that a rather interesting bet had been made. Brooks, who for some reason is a Steelers fan, despite the fact that he has never once been to Pittsburgh, made a bet with Corey and Gabe that the Steelers would win the football game. If the Steelers lost, Brooks would be forced to jump into the Inner Harbor not once, but twice. If the Steelers won, both Corey and Gabe would be forced to jump into the Inner Harbor once. For whatever reason both sides agreed to this bet. So when the the fourth quarter came to an end, Corey and Gabe had to face the reality that they would soon be diving into the cold dirty waters that surround the lovely city of Baltimore. Much to Brooks' liking the two men lived up to their word and were soon soaked in wet Baltimore filth. Herpes, hepatitis, and gonorrhea are sure to follow.

While the NFL season still has plenty to offer, with the final week being quite pivotal, at least in the AFC, the fantasy football season has come to a conclusion. At weeks end, I stood victorious in two of my three leagues, as Stilling provided me with a gift by dropping Jonathan Stewart the week before. Turns out the only league I can not consider myself champion is the one I dominated from beginning to end, largely in part to the fantastic fantasy duo of Chris Johnson and Ray Rice. But two out of three isn't bad and it never hurts to add a little pocket change. As for Stilling, I think I owe him a beer the next time I see him for dropping Mr. Stewart, because his two hundred yards certainly helped me defeat the very dangerous Crusty Cumsocks.

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