Monday, December 14, 2009

"Sometimes the best defense, is a good offense!"

Well, the fantasy football regular season came to an end this past weekend and I've managed to make the playoffs in all three of my leagues, so the next couple weeks should get interesting. Miraculously, Damon managed to finish with a .500 record despite going against the conventional fantasy football strategy and selecting a kicker and a defense in the first two rounds, a move that is typically reserved for the final two rounds.

This past weekend I also enjoyed my first official deer hunting trip. Bennett and I packed our bags and headed up to Frederick with enough firepower to start a small militia, but unfortunately we came home empty handed. We did however find a couple of nice spots and hopefully on the weekend of January 8th, we will have a bit more luck and if not, there's always next year.

As Andy Stilling well knows, when it comes to judging movies, I am probably far from being an expert critic. In my opinion, movies such as 2 Fast 2 Furious and Lionheart are phenomenal and it's highly unlikely that you will ever be able to get me to change my opinions on movies. If the movie is able to keep me entertained from beginning to end, I believe it has done it's job, and therefore it is a good movie. In no way shape or form am I trying to say that Undersiege is Oscar worthy, but nevertheless it's a damn good movie. So this past week when I was browsing the free movies On Demand and found Double Team you can imagine my excitement. An action packed movie with Jean Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman. It seemed like a can't miss, but once the movie started, I was bored. It is by far the worst movie, Van Damme has ever been in, and one of the worst movies of all time. Even Legionnaire was better. I had to resort to fast forwarding the movie until the action scenes with Rodman and even those action scenes were sub par. It came as a complete disappointment because the combination of Van Damme and Rodman should have been able to compete with some of history's greatest tag teams, such as the Duke brothers. Maybe I just put too much pressure on the duo from the beginning.

I've been asked to blog about jury duty and I think I am going to do so, just not yet. Also, I watched Rocky II last night and it sparked a couple potential blog ideas, although the Rocky II blog will not be released for a while.

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