Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stuck on A Deserted Island

I'm taking a winter course over at the University near by and on our first class the professor made everyone in the class play a completely silly game as an icebreaker. Supposedly, the point of this icebreaker was to help me bond with my other classmates so I will be more likely to ask them questions outside of the classroom if I need help or something like that. The professor wanted us to write down 10 things that we would each bring with us to a deserted island, submit the answers to her, and than as a class we would try and guess who in the class has submitted each answer. She also mentioned that certain items such as cell phones and computers which would typically seem like pointless items to bring to a deserted island, would get reception on this island but yet you still couldn't use it to rescue you. So basically she was proposing a scenario that is never going to happen to anyone and making it even more far fetched. Making things even worse, if we were going to take an item such as a television or computer we had to limit ourselves to one channel or one feature on the computer. I found this game to be very pointless, but yet I've never been much of a rebel so I decided to go along with the rules, plus, it kinda reminded me of one of those utterly pointless games I used to play with Pat on a Monday night at the Kent when there was no one at the bar. Anyways, my list looked something like this:

A television with ESPN
A beautiful woman
A dog
A high powered and accurate rifle( I assumed ammo came with the rifle since it was a silly game)
A machete
A lighter
An unlimited supply of water bottles
An unlimited supply of booze
An unlimited supply of suntan lotion
Good strong rope

Now, that I had finished this pointless and redicoulous game, I was forced to listen to all the other silly answers my classmates had jotted down. Cell phones, computers, books, and a wide variety of utterly pointless and meaningless answers were given. Some people even went to the extreme of bringing other family members or friends, and in some cases there were a few people that wanted to bring specific pieces of jewelry or clothing. As for me, I would never choose to bring someone I truly liked or respected with me to a desserted island, because I just couldn't wish that upon them. Being stuck on an island sounds pretty awful, if you've ever seen the movie Castaway, you will remember Tom Hanks' character made friends with a volleyball because it was so bad. Granted, one of my choices was a beautiful woman, but this beatiful woman would have to be someone I've never met or interacted with in my life, because well there are certain needs a beautiful woman can help fulfill, plus it wouldn't be awful to possibly have some human companionship. Bearing that I wouldn't be responsible for selecting the beautiful woman, a dog seemed like the next most reasonable choice. Because the phrase beautiful woman can be left up to interpretation and for all I know, the person selecting the beautiful woman to accompany me to this deserted island could be someone like Big Adam in which case I could very well be stuck with a member of the Dream Team or perhaps a woman even more repulsive than any member of the Dream Team, in which case I would resort to the dog for companionship. Quite simply, the dog is merely a backup plan in case the woman is either not that beautiful or an obnoxious wench. Plus, even an amazing woman would probably drive me insane at times on a deserted island, so a dog seemed like an essential selection.

The high powered rifle and ammo seemed to be the next most plausible selection, because eventually I would need to find food and a rifle would not only make hunting easier, but a lot more entertaining. Plus, I could probably find various items on the island to use for target practice. The machete kinda goes hand-in-hand- with the rifle as it would be used for hunting purposes as well as safety purposes. The lighter, well if you've ever seen any movie where someone is forced to make fire on their own it doesn't seem to easy, so a lighter just seemed like an obvious choice.

The water bottles should be a pretty obvious selection too, being that the majority of islands are surronded by salt water and salt water tends to not be the most hydrating of liquids. As for the booze, well if I'm stuck on a desserted island with no one to talk too besides one woman and my dog, booze seems pretty crucial. It would help ease the fact that my next few years are basically going to suck, could serve as a painkiller if I were to ever injure myself, might help me fall asleep on the cold and windy nights, and plus it might make that broad I'm stuck with a bit more amusing. As for the suntan lotion, well you may remember several years ago, I got sun poisining on an 80 degree day and it resulted in a few very painful days, so it's basically there for pain prevention. As for the rope, I've never been very good at making knots and those kinda things, but if I'm stuck on a deserted island, I figure I could get lots of practice and the rope would one day help me build a raft and if it didn't I could use it to help me with other tasks on the island. As for the TV with ESPN, that seemed pretty self explanatory. If I'm stuck with only one channel, I might as well go with ESPN, because with ESPN comes Sportscenter and Monday Night Football.

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