Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Trip Down Route 40

Last Saturday, I was helping Matt clear out an old house in Greektown. The job required us to load up my truck with a bunch of garbage and haul it out the county landfill for disposal. As the day neared completion, we decided it was to replenish our bodies with some nutrients. This decision led us to Arby's. No sooner do we order, than we notice there is a guy somewhere in the restaurant talking loudly about his interactions with women. Being that Arby's is a public place and freedom of speech is a Constitutional right we didn't pay much attention to this man. That was until it came time to look for a seat. As we turned the corner, we instantly noticed that there wasn't a soul in the near vicinity of this man. He was talking out loud about promiscuous women and their various behaviors. This seemed quite amusing, so we did the only thing imaginable, found a seat in the near vicinity of that man. Shortly after sitting down, another intriguing development with this man was exposed. On top of talking out loud about loose women, the man was drinking. Not drinking Pepsi or Ice Tea like the majority of patrons at Arby's, but drinking the poor man's Corona, Modelo. Propped on top of his table, was a 12 pack of the Mexican beer. The more he drank, the more he rambled on about women. After a few minutes, the man collected his 12 pack, walked out of Arby's, and began stumbling down the street. Several steps later and he was falling face first down a grassy hill on the side of the road. He eventually gathered himself and managed to walk far enough to get out of eye's view, and our once exciting adventure at Arby's was now over. With the man now gone, we began debating the absolute randomness of this event, but than I realized one key factor. We were on Route 40 and we were only several minutes from Essex.

I saw some picture this week where former Baltimore Oriole Sammy Sosa is doing his best Michael Jackson impersonation. Supposedly, the man is taking some kind of skin cream and as a result his skin has turned a ghostly white. This comes as another intriguing turn of events, for the former MVP. A one time first-ballot Hall-of-Fame, Sosa may now go down as a laughing stock and only be remembered for doing the juice, corking his bat, and being white.

The Irish festival is in town this weekend and I may have to stop in to celebrate my Irish heritage. It's been a few years since I've last attended, but anytime you get a bunch of Irish people together, drinking beer, good things are bound to happen.

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