Saturday, August 15, 2009

Michael Vick Is an Eagle, So Hide Your Beagle!

In one of my more recent posts, I mentioned that I hoped Michael Vick would never play football again in the United States and I firmly believed it when I wrote it. Than Thursday happened and I had a complete change of heart. Michael Vick will now be playing football in the City of Brotherly Love, a horrible place known as Philadelphia and there couldn't be a better fit. The most hated player in all of the NFL gets to go to the city with the most ignorant, disgruntled, and idiotic fans in all of professional sports. A franchise who has never had an opportunity to hoist the Lombardi trophy just signed a once overrated quarterback who hasn't played in nearly three years and will immediately serve as the biggest distraction in Philly since T.O. was in town. The Vick signing further proves that one of my life long theories is right on the money. The only thing good to ever come out of the city of Philadelphia is Rocky Balboa.

On a more positive note regarding Vick, he has managed to do one thing successfully, besides convince Andy Reid that he warrants an opportunity and that is the man has brought out the idiots. Sports talk radio has never been as amusing as it is at this moment. The idiots are coming out from the wood works. I heard one dumb ass compare dog fighting to lynching in the south and another numbskull compare it to hunting. Idiots, their everywhere.

Rumor has it that the pharmacist will be making an appearance in the Baltimore area next weekend and I couldn't be more excited. Hopefully, he shows up at the bar with his Albert Einstein t-shirt that he obtained while grazing the Princeton University Library and pulls off mad trim at the bar and helps further the legend that is the pharmacist even more. I'm sure Steve is having a wet dream about the reuninon right now. As for CVS, Walgreen's, and Wal-Mart they may be a bit worried, because their overall sales of women's deodorant, fabric cleaner's, and other household cleaning supplies, may take a significant hit. Supposedly, there may be some drama unwinding between him and his divorce over the always wonderful Sam Kam, but I hope it is all resolved before week's end.

For the first time in my twenty-four years of life, I witnessed a baseball player hit for the cycle live last night as Felix Pie came through with a triple in the midst of the Orioles rout of the Angels. I was quite surprised I was able to see the cycle unfold actually as there were plenty of distractions all around me. Whether it was 18 year old boys who were obsessed with the awesomeness that is Jamal or Jess's numerous attempts to have people touch her nuts, the distractions were quite frequent, but nonetheless there was plenty of great baseball to be seen.

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