Monday, July 20, 2009

Finding Ways to Pass the Time at the Gloryhole

I've been slacking on this whole blog thing a bit lately, I don't know quite why exactly, but three posts through mid-July is simply inexcusable. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that my mind and body took nearly a week to recover from my long weekend down the A.O. The scary thing is I'm not lying when I claim that it took me nearly a full week to recover. Spending four days and three nights with a cast of misfits, led by a man known as the pharmacist can take a toll on one's body. Whether it was the overall lack of sleep that occurred due to a number of late night antics in the bunk bed palace or just the unforgiving serial abuse on my body's vital organs, there was without a doubt a serious price to pay.

You can blame it on the recession or perhaps on the fact that they serve nothing but god-awful American food that would make a health freak vomit in his own mouth, but there hasn't been too much business coming into Glory Days recently. It's become so bad at times that I have resorted to finding unusual forms of entertainment. For some reason, I have been getting quite a kick out of waiting for a rare moment when no one is in the near vicinity of the jukebox and putting in a few George Washington's so that I can possess the power of what is being played over the loudspeakers. The looks amongst the patrons in the restaurant and exuberant curse words that are lashed out in the back kitchen, when Alabama is played until on repeat is truly amazing. The combination of "Song of the South," "Mountain Music," "Fiddle in the Band" and "Dixieland Delight" played back-to-back on repeat does a marvelous job of annoying the living hell out of a lot of people. Eventually though, someone will most likely figure out that I am the only stupid enough to pay to listen to music like that, and I in turn will be lashed out, but until that day, just keep on bringing me my Sweet Potato Pie. As for the recession, I'm not too worried, because we elected ol' Barry into the oval office and as everyone knows, he is our Messiah, and will bring forth change and hope to the country.

At some point yesterday evening, I got bored and when I get bored, trouble usually follows. The trouble that occurred yesterday was Smedium was in town and Zach was bartending at Friday's. There are plenty of things in this world that do not mix well together and one of them is any combination of Smedium, Creech, and myself at Friday's when Zach or Kari are behind the bar. To make matters worse it had been several month's since I spent anytime with my most metro sexual friend and our reunions typically do not run in a smooth and orderly fashion. Zach did however, come up with a well timed zinger as he proudly stated that Smedium is "the most straight pseudo gay guy he has ever met." It was in reference to his baby blue, yellow, and pink watch that looked like something you could purchase from one of those glass containers that make a profit off selling over sized gum balls for a quarter. Despite it's lackluster appearance though, it turns out that the watch had a retail value of 65$ I found this price to be rather interesting, because, well, it was 25 more dollars than the kid spent on his fiancee's engagement ring.

For the first time in my life today, I seriously began debating the possibility of investing in an I-pod. I've gone through the first 24 years of life, perfectly content with listening to music on the radio, and I have never even purchased a compact disc with music already on it. I have spent a dollar here and there to buy blank CD's, so I can make an entirely awesome CD, that will have the average person wanting to stab themselves in the foot with a pitchfork. I think it's the truly unique randomness of the songs I select that drive people over the edge. For some reason most people do not like it when the song changes from "Crazy Game of Poker" by O.A.R. to "DuHast" by Ramnstein to "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney to "It's Tricky" by Run DMC. Maybe, it's just me but I like a little change and variety every once in a while. I know my main man Shouldice is right there with me, but he may be the only one. Anyways, the whole reason I was thinking about investing an a I-Pod is I could quite possibly never feel down and despaired again. All I would have to do is play "Eye of the Tiger," "All Summer Long," and "Sweet Southern Comfort" in succession and I would once again be back to rocking out with my bad self. Even with this in mind though, I may stay away from the investment, I still don't know how to work the little fucking things.

If your gonna play in Texas, you gotta have a fiddle in the band.

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