Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Endlessly Entertaining," and "Thank you for respecting my space."

Well, the Christmas holiday has officially come and gone. I was half tempted to write a Christmas blog, but after much thought I decided against it, and by much thought I mean roughly 19 seconds. While I am a fan of the Christmas season, it's basically the same thing for everyone every year, unless, your a Jehovah's witness. So there will be no mushy talk of how important the holiday is or what it meant to me this year, simply I have moved on to different things. Here we go...

I was standing outside the Kent Lounge Monday night, with Andy, Ross, and Jess and Jess mentions that Andy and Damon have often said she is the female version of Ross. At first, this struck me as odd. However, as she continued to speak, the comparison was defined to a further extent. She said that they were both "endlessly entertaining," and nothing could be more true. Upon my arrival that night, Ross began telling me a story on how we awoke on Christmas Eve. Now, while I do not have the right to go and tell Ross' personal stories, I will leave you with just a preview. It involves Ross leaving with "some wench," her telling him "thank you for respecting my space" and than "waking up to a cop banging on my car window at a6:30 in the morning on Christmas Eve, still piss ass drunk." Add those 3 things together, throw in Ross as the main subject and you get " Endlessly entertaining." The story alone made it well worth going out.

Jess also had some very entertaining story, about some douchebag she went to high school with.

I just spilled my Coke while writing, it caused me to use profanities loudly.

So I'm about to head down to Corey's to go out and celebrate the end of 2008. The New Years holiday, is basically another pointless one. People across the country, go out, and to borrow the words of the great Ricky Bobby " get hammer drunk," and get super excited about the start of a new year. This is supposed to be the year, where they turn everything around, start fresh, and save the world or some crap like that. Push comes to shove, 12 months later, their getting wasted again telling how their friends how great this upcoming year will be. It's basically an endless circle of stupidity, but a fun one to say the least.

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