Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Pros and Cons of Brain Surgery

First of all, I've noticed I only have one follower for my blog so I don't know exactly how many people are reading this, but in reality thats unimportant. In my mind, which has dealt with quite a lot lately, the whole point of this blog thing is for me to ramble and express my thoughts, beliefs, etc. Anyways, as most of you probably know, this past week was a mind altering one for me.

So Friday night, I'm celebrating my buddy Brooks coming home from Iraq at Powerplant Live Downtown, than Saturday morning I wake up with a hangover. Typical Saturday morning, except this hangover simply felt like death. So Saturday goes by, I can't eat, drink tons of gatorade and water and do not feel any better. Do not sleep Saturday night even though I took twice the normal dose of Nyquill, simply lying awake sweating and in pain. All day Sunday the same thing occurs, but I decide to tough it and head to the Ravens game. I had been waiting all year for this game, Primetime Sunday Night, going up against the Deadskins, and they truly are dead now. James is going with Andy, and I have tickets with Secor. Everyone I know is tailgating, it should have been one of my best days of the year. Except despite every telling me what a baby I am and how a few beers will make me feel better, I still don't have the stomach to attempt to drink. Close to 8, I decide to head in the game and just as I am about to walk to my seat I puke everywhere. A police officer sees me, assumes I'm some asshole who can't handle his alcohol, and gets me in touch with a medic. Several minutes later, I'm getting my blood pressure taken, temperature taken, and being given Tylenol by Ravens medical officers. These highly established medical officers, say you must just be dehyrdated, go home get some rest kid, you will be ok tommorow. So being that I feel like balls I take their advice and have an interesting cab ride back to Bennnett's with a drunk scalper who lost money. Now, scalping professional football tickets is a profession I have never tried to master, but this guy was telling me he lost $500 tonight, so I don't think hes very good at his job. Anyways, I get back to Bennett's, fall asleep and wake up at 12:30 sweating my ass off and feeling worse than ever. At this point I decide it's time to go to the hospital.

Now instead of going to one of the prestigous hospitals that bless Baltimore city, I decide to make the hike to St. Josephs. When I get there nearly an hour later, due to traffic and the 695 ramp being shut down, I find that the nurse is my friend April. She sets me up with a doctor and I go threw a catscan, having no idea what to expect. When the doctor comes out she tells me, I have an Epidural Hematoma in my Right Tempural, which is causing a blood clot in my brain will require immediate brain surgery. Shortly thereafter, I'm in an ambulance and on my way to University of Maryland Hospital and that is the main bulk of the story.

Thanks to God and the Doctors, surgery goes well, the blood clot is now removed and I'm pumped up on all sorts of drugs. Steroids, morphine, etc. All I'm saying is Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, watch out! Geilfuss is on his way! But going through brain surgery has made me realize their are some pros to the whole thing. I mean we all know the obvious cons. It hurts like hell, you can't do anything, you must stay in a bed basically the whole time, It hurts like hell, and you look like hell. In fact, in regards to the way I look, I have a funny story. My mother tudors elementrary age children, some come to the house, others she visits. But this one girl Teona, who comes to my house on Mondays and Thursdays, aware that her tudors son has just has brain surgery was nice enough to introduce herself to me and make me some cookies. Anyway, shortly after I met Teona, she told my mother I look like someone from the X-Men movies with all the brusing and staples in my head. I got a kick out of that.

But back to the pros:
1. People I don't even know bring me dinner:
Some lady who does business occassionally with my dad stops by and says, I was talking to your dad last week and he said hes been extra busy due to a good week of business and the fact that I've been in the hospital, so she stops by my parents house with a huge dish of garlic bread and stuffed shells that were amazing. Several other family friends have brought dinner dishes for my whole family and several friends have brought me lunch.
2. Your popularity skyrockets:
Now I have always had a good amount of friends ranging form several different social groups but now I have people calling me left and right wanting to hang out. My facebook wall is being lit up with words of encouragement and friendly notes. I'm telling you people with depression issues due to lack of an acceptable social level, should just try brain surgery.
3. You really stay up to date on the world of sports:
Over the past few days I think I have watched 39, 691 episodes of Sportscenter. I almost feel as if I can state the words coming out of Chris Bermans or Stuart Scott's mouth before they all spoke. When you work 40+hours a week, have a social life, and everything else it is not as easy to stay as up to date on this important information.
4. Life Revelations:
I've decided I'm going to write a book. Hopefully, I will get started with it during this 4 to 6 weeks of rest and recovery. The subject of this book is yet to be determined.

Anyways, thats enough for today. Im left with one thought. At 2:00 P.m. on the dot, Townsend called me saying he was running from his house to mine. It has now been 37minutes, I wonder if hes alive.

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