Monday, December 22, 2008

DDing for idiots, Gloomy Daze, and $5 poker

So Saturday night at halftime of the Ravens game, my old roommate Creech gives me a call and lets me know he is getting into Towson to watch the Ravens game at Fridays. Being that I was bored as all hell and wanted to get out of the house, I decided to let him pick me up and catch the second half of the game in a public setting.
Upon our arrival at Fridays, I first notice that the bar is packed full of Cowboys fans. There were also a small number of Ravens fans in attendance as well, but the Cowboys fans dominated the bar crowd. As the game started to dwindle down, some of these fans started to get rowdy. Now, Fridays for whatever reason hires state troopers as their bouncers and this made the night interesting. There were several arrests, including this guy Craig, who I used to work with at
Gloomy Daze. Now, for anyone who has met Craig there is only one way to put him. A belligerent drunk asshole, who serves no good purpose. Besides that he is a fun guy. Anyway, Craig is arguing with some friend of his and the bouncer/state trooper throws them both out but Craig decided to get big and tell the trooper to F off, that didn't work well for Craig.
Anyways as far as the Ravens game, the Ravens actually made some big plays in a big game and came away with a victory in a game I thought they would lose. Had they made some of those big plays in either game against Pittsburgh or against the Titans they would be 13-2 at this point, but that's a different story.
Now, with the game winding down, Creech and several of his buddies from high school are debating what to do with the rest of the night. Creech throws out the idea of Mosiac, but some are worried about driving downtown and everything, so being that I'm feeling pretty good at the time, I offer to DD. With this offer in mind, everyone is set on Mosiac and I am shortly on the Jones Fall Expressway with a car full of drunk assholes.
Twenty minutes later and one short piss in the parking lot near Powerplant, we are walking into Mosiac. For anyone who has never been to Powerplant, it is a large group of big wild nightclubs in Baltimore City, that attracts a pretty large crowd. Most of these bars have V.I.P. areas, hot European women, and weird paintings and designs throughout the club that I believe are supposed to make them look more sophisticated. Anyways, as soon as we get there, Creech, Brann and everyone begins to take round and round of shots. With Smedium as bartender, the drinks tend to flow fast and cheap. So anyways as the night goes on, Brann is sold on one idea. Using me as his wing man, to talk to girls. He kept coming up with crazy stories about how I was injured in Iraq, or saved a small girl from getting hit by a car, however, none of them worked and Brann ended up at Jesse's. Near the end of the night, Creech was talking to some random girl, and his buddy Payne whispers into her ear that she has cancer. She begins to flip out and get very worried. They keep rolling with the story and he is feeling bad at first, but eventually decides to run with it. At 2:00 A.M/ we were forced to leave, Creech had to part ways with the girl that was worried about him having cancer, and that was basically the night. She did send him a text later that night offering to buy him lunch and talk about things, he rightfully ignored it. That night a fat Mexican girl also flashed us her tits at the bar and she had a peace sign on them. I also got free McDonalds for being the DD.

So Sunday comes by and I decide to go to the wonderful place I used to work at known as the Gloomy Daze to spend the day watching football. One of the first things I notice upon arrival is that amidst the crowd is a rather peculiar Miami Dolphin fan wearing a Lamar Smith jersey. This guy was short with glasses and acted like a little kid who had been sent to the corner for timeout but soon realized that no one was monitoring his timeout. Meaning he seemed to get up and wander from his chair nervously and anxiously every so often than quickly huddle back as if not to get caught. This fan pissed me off, especially when he found a friend. Together they were like the ambiguously gay duo, giving random stupid high-fives every time something went well for Miami. As far as the Smith jersey goes, I just couldn't understand it. After some debate, Damon said it would be like a Ravens fan wearing a McGahee jersey five years from now, I was partial to a Ravens fan wearing a Eric Rhett jersey, and Creech said it would be like him wearing a Kareem Abdul Jabbar jersey. Not the Laker, the Dolphin. While, all of these had some validity to them, they didn't strike me. I think it's as simple as this. If your a Ravens fan in 5 years wearing a McGahee jersey, your probably an idiot. If your a Ravens fan today wearing a Rhett jersey, your an idiot. If your a Dolphins fan today wearing an Abdul-Jabbar jersey, your an idiot. But if your a Dolphins fan today, wearing a Lamar Smith jersey your a fucking idiot. I had tried not to use profanity in my blogs, but this asshole brought it. The difference between Smith and the other guys, is why none of them ever really did anything for their teams, at least the other guys didn't get drunk off their ass with a teammate in their car one night and wreck it. Congratulations random Dolphins fan, your wearing a jersey of a guy, who had a shitty career and is more recognized for his arrest than his athletic ability. Have a Merry Christmas asshole.

So after the first round of games, I get a call from my Father saying there is a poker game at the Zips, or the Jacobys as I am more accustomed to calling them. Anyway, I make a phone call to the guy Ryan, who informed my Dad, and he tells me that it is a $5 buy in. I have never heard of anything like this. Maybe a group of grandmothers in Connecticut, will meet on occasion for a 5 dollar game, but I figured that was it. Nevertheless, I go over there with Ross, Creech, and Damon. When we get there we realize that this is also a poker game without beer. Another thing I didn't realize existed. Even those grandmothers in Connecticut are most likely drinking gin or scotch and there probably playing at noon. So the first hand starts, and Damon calls Creech all the way down without having ever looked at his cards to find out he caught two pair on the river to beat out Creech. I think Creech lost like 1.35$ on the hand. As the night went on though, Creech ended up being the big loser and Damon the big winner. Although Creech made up for his losings by lying to some of the nicest people in the world about paying for pizza. Good job kid, although he was nice enough to not accept the $1 back when they were handing back change from the pizza, hopefully that makes him at least a decent person.

Around 8:30 P.M. we left this poker den. Damon and Ross headed to the Kent, I wanted to stop by but I was several hours pass my medicine and it had been a long day. I called it a night, in fact I still feel a little iffy from the long day out, but it was well worth it. I was so tired by the time I got home that I just crashed on the couch. At about 1:00 A.m. I woke up to Alex coming through the basement, being that I was more than half asleep I decided to not to say anything. He farted going up the steps.

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