Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Plenty of Snow and College Basketball

The snow continues to fall here in Charm City and at this rate it seems that we may not see dry land until 2014 and that would certainly be interesting. Personally, I'm tired of the white stuff and I would like to return to my normal routine of school and work instead of blogging at 9 pm, but there are certain things in life I can't control. I guess the only thing left to do is to drink beer. Hopefully, Pat is working at the Rec Room. I'm thinking that tomorrow might be the day that I finally take advantage off the time off and read some books by dead white guys, but maybe I'll just shovel snow and continue to watch young black guys play with an orange ball. It's more interesting.

Well, the football season has come to an end and every time I turned on the radio today, all I heard was members of the media making a big fuss over the fact that Peyton Manning didn't shake Drew Brees hand. Granted, the man probably should have and it would have been the right thing to do, but there are lots of times in life where we don't do the right thing and if I just screwed up one of the biggest moments of my young life, I doubt I'd be willing to go and shake the hand of the competition that beat me, especially if there were 3,729 people nagging me with pointless questions. But maybe thats why I'm a horrible person? Who knows?

College basketball is heating up though and that's a good thing. March may very well be the best month of the year for the sole reason of conference tournaments and March Madness. One is basically guaranteed a chance to take off work and start drinking beer and watching sports at 3 p.m. Or once again maybe that's just me and one of the reasons I'm nearing 25 and still living in my mother's basement. Who knows?

One good aspect of college basketball this season is that the team coached by the devil from Westpoint is not performing all that well. I know their ranked in the top ten, but they've lost some crucial games and watching them lose crucial games is very enjoyable. Is it just me or does anyone else think the guy might be a racist? Seriously, every year he finds some of the best white players around and makes for a pretty competitive team at least until the Sweet 16. The more I think about it, he has recruited some blacks in recent history and pretty effective black guys, but as you may know, once I write something in this blog, I seldom change it. Even if it is inaccurate or incoherent. Plus, two of the better black guys he recruited were from Alaska and that doesn't really count.

Speaking of white guys in college basketball, I wonder what happened to Trevor Huffman. That man could ball and with help from that power forward who now plays for the Chargers, the Golden Flashes made one impressive run in the tournament not too long ago. Trevor Fucking Hoffman.

Post number 99 is now in the books, next up number 100.

Fuckin Google images. I tried to get a good picture of Huffman and all I could find was pictures of him playing for some team overseas, it was disappointing. So I decided to put up another picture of a mid-major kid who could flat out ball.

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