Monday, February 1, 2010

Pre-Gaming at the Ronald McDonald House

Well, this utterly pointless little blog has served a purpose once again. Saturday, I received a check for nearly 78 bucks from Google Incorporated as a result of my prestigious work. Actually, it has more to do with those silly little ads on the side of my blog than prestigious work, but thats all irrelevant. I was actually quite surprised when I received the check because I didn't think I'd ever receive any monetary benefits from google, I just got a kick out of the random advertisements they displayed on the site. Judging from the past history of ads posted on my blog, one might come to believe I have a strange devotion to gambling and football and a history of legal troubles. Google included a letter explaining how the whole thing works and how I could increase my rate of pay but that seemed rather boring and I just threw the letter in the trash. Perhaps I'll use the 78 bucks to help feed the hungry.

I've been helping Corey and his uncle out quite a bit lately and last Friday that led me to the state department of assessments and taxations. Due to school and a few other things, I got down there rather late. In case you don't know, the state department of assessments and taxations is located downtown close to Martin Luther King Boulevard. Anyway, on my way home I was stuck in traffic, which is typical for a Friday evening in Baltimore city and I decided to try an alternate route home. Basically, I was just going to take a bunch of random turns and just hope and pray that I was going in the right direction. Somehow this idea seemed to actually work, but along my travels I passed the Ronald McDonald House and it brought up some old memories. Now, I haven't been to the Ronald McDonald House in quite a while and that's probably a good thing, but I did spend a few nights there at one point in my life. It's never good to take advantage of charity groups but several years ago I did just that. The Ronald McDonald house was generous enough to donate one of their rooms to the Major family when Ryan was recovering from his injuries. His mother was usually working in Silver Spring so that left Michael in charge. Basically, Mike had been given a free apartment in downtown Baltimore whenever he decided to come home from Salisbury. At this time, none of our friends had places in downtown Baltimore and getting to and from the city was always a major problem. That is until the Ronald McDonald House came along. With the friendly fast food eating clown, offering us a couple of beds, the two of us were set. There were several nights, when we would begin pre-gaming for the nights activities at this house and those nights always got interesting. First of all, alcohol was banned from the premises, so we had to sneak it in via a back pack. Secondly, noise was supposed to be kept to a bare minimum and for those of you who know Mike Major, well that can be a problem. Finally, getting back into the place post 2 a.m. was even more interesting. But, somehow we always managed. Looking back on it, it probably wasn't the smartest idea, but I haven't always done the smartest things in life. The Ronald McDonald House is not meant too encourage alcoholism or late night shenanigans but we ignored those ideas and instead made it quite the party place. Plus, they had free food and video games so they were basically begging us to stay. Now, only had the Hamburgular or Grimace been around, I bet you those two are party animals. I can just gee Grimace getting wild with some girls on the Dance Floor.

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