Thursday, February 4, 2010

"I Slept with Tiger too!"

The Super Bowl is just a few days away and personally I can't wait for the damn game to get started. The past two weeks, those in sports media have had way too much to talk about when it comes to one football game. I've heard about all I can hear on Dwight Freeny's ankle. The man is going to play, it's that simple. Yesterday, I also heard those so-called experts that work for some company based in Bristol, Connecticut debating the comfort levels of both the Colts and Saints with the field at Miami. Supposedly, the Colts and Saints are both comfortable with the field because they both defeated the Dolphins in Miami during the regular season. One could say that or they could just simply realize that the Colts and Saints are both far superior teams the Dolphins. I highly doubt at any point in practice, Peyton Manning or Drew Brees suggested that their teams take a time out from running drills or watching tape so that they could become more comfortable with the playing field. Maybe I'm alone with this one.

Well, the old timer in Shakespearian tragedy is still hanging in there. Two weeks down the drain and the old fella is still plugging along. Although today he did one of the more interesting things I have ever seen in a collegiate course. Midway through the professor's lecture on Richard the Thirds seduction of Lady Anne, the old man received a telephone call. Rather than quickly try and turn off the ring tone, the old man answered the phone call and proceeded to have a short conversation. He was respectful enough to keep it moderately quiet and express the fact that he was in class, but he continued on with his conversation for several minutes. Unfortunately, I could not hear what he was rambling on about but I'll assume it had something to do with getting his diapers changed, he seemed rather cranky.

Speaking of old people, I work with an elderly lady named Trish. Trish is probably pushing 65 and despite her age she has apparently been frisky with a younger man. A younger man who goes by the name of Tiger. Trish is so proud of her recent sexual accomplishments that she has bought a tee-shirt that states, "I slept with Tiger too!" However, Trish is not the only one in her immediate family who wants to make their claims public. Trish's husband, Jack, also proudly wears the shirt. As for Tiger, well, I'm not really surprised. From his recent transgressions, he hasn't seemed too picky and as for the whole homosexual encounter, well, he does know how to handle a shaft.

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