Thursday, October 15, 2009

"What you talkin bout Willis?"

Typically when it comes to television, my focus is shifted solely towards Sportscenter and sporting events. As a result of this tendency, I have not taken full advantage of Comcast's On Demand option as so many of my friends have. However, this past week, I was informed of a television show that is currently on Comcast, and I couldn't be more pleased. The sitcom of a one-time hopeful for the Governor's seat of California, is currently being aired on Comcast. Diff'rent Strokes is being featured On Demand, and when it comes to tv stars, there are few as entertaining as Arnold Jackson. Too bad Gary Coleman, couldn't be more like Arnold Jackson in real life, because the political tag team of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Arnold Jackson would be mesmerizing.

Stunning development in the world of fantasy football. Last week, the man who drafted a kicker and defense in the first two rounds, delivered the Toyota Biggest Fantasy Football blowout of the week by crushing Mike Fick's Shockers 163-113. In the words of Sydney Deane "Even the Sun shines on a dog's ass some days."

Last Thursday, I stopped by Bobby's apartment after work to watch the end of what turned out to be quite the disappointing Capitals game. For some reason, Jose Theodore decided it was alright to fall asleep while minding the net, and the Rangers were able to score on two pathetic shots from behind the blue line in the third period. After the embarrassing display though, I ventured out to someplace were people Thank God that its Friday. Shortly, after my arrival, it came to my attention that when the clock strikes 12, everyone at Friday's gets a free shot from a monkey. From out of the kitchen, a giant monkey comes running into the bar, and just starts handing out free shots, like its Christmas or something. Several minutes later, the giant gorilla disappears forever. It can be kinda confusing if you've had a bit too many, but nonetheless, it's quite amusing and if your in the mood for something to do around midnight on a Thursday, I'd recommend checking it out.

Every year around this time, I have resorted to finding a different spot to watch football on Sunday's. Several years back it was the Fick household and Padonia Station. Last year it was Orchard Landing. This year, I have been spending a good bit of time on Sundays at Cladaughs. With their great wing special, and Theo becoming quite the restaurant favorite, it's a great place to watch the Ravens. So if your in the Canton area Sunday, you will know where to find me and if you don't know where Cladaugh's is just listen for Theo cheering when the Ravens score a touchdown.

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