Thursday, March 11, 2010

100th Edition- Part Dos

Finally, after several weeks of delaying, I have found some time to post part two of my 100th blog, which is actually blog #102. Anyways, I will continue what I originally started and describe a few of the more memorable moments from the infamous Get Bent Lounge.

Monday Nights at the Kent

At your average bar, Monday night is typically a bit of a downer. The majority of people are recovering from their weekend antics and are trying to insert themselves back into the work week. This was not the story at the Kent. Rather than describe a few of the more memorable Monday nights, I have decided to instead focus on Monday nights in general. I will do this by listing a simple breakdown of how a Monday night at the Kent usually unfolded.

When I was frequenting the Kent on a regular basis on Monday nights, I was typically doing one of two things: working or playing trivia with Andy and Damon. If I was playing trivia, we would typically stroll into the bar around ten-thirty. If I was working, I would typically receive a text message from Damon simply stating "Kent". In the case that I was working, I would usually arrive just a bit behind schedule, usually no later than eleven. At this point there would always be a few random people sitting at one of the corners of the bar. Sometimes they would be hippies, other times they would be nineteen year olds, occassionly you would see a couple on a date, and from time to time there would be homeless men. Either way, the bar was pretty much always empty upon my arrival. Shortly after my arrival, a member of the Dream Team would stroll in and begin to drink and eventually their whole starting lineup would arrive. Once the Dream Team's starting lineup was in tact, they would bolt for another bar, because their options were limited at the Kent, and like wolves, the Dream Team travels in packs and at some point Mikey would stumble in and begin slamming Jack and Cokes.

Now, the night typically went one of two way, either it remained calm until close or absolute chaos prevailed. The latter typically occured on Monday night's when Pat and Jason, or Pat and Graham, or Pat and Gabe, or even Pat and Stan had been hitting the bottle, prior to our entrance. These nights were by far the more interesting of the two. In fact, there are two posts on random Monday nights at the Kent, if you feel like strolling through the history of my blog. Anyways, on these nights anything was bound to happen. Intense games of Uno were quite common, those Draw Four cards can be just devastating. Karokee nights without the assitance of a Karokee machine were also quite freqent, prompting several instances where Andy felt it necessary to dance on the bar. Football games in the parking lot were a common thought, random clapping and USA chants, and constant cursing of the Steelers were all bound to occur. All these events I have just described typically went on from the hours of midnight to one-thirty at one-thirty things tended to get a bit dicey.

By 1:30, every other bar in the vicinity of the Kent is calling last call and that meant it was time for the stragglers to appear. First, the Dream Team would return short-handed. One or two members of the team had usually been sniped by some poor schmuck at some other bar. The ones who made it back often came back with a large group of vultures desperately attempting to woo one back to his apartment, but if you leave the bar with a member of the dream team and youre destination isn't straight to your apartment or the back seat of your car, your chances are slim. In fact, once back in the Kent, these girls were rejuvenated and it's at these moments that people like Damon and myself have been tempted by their vices. A few minutes till two, guys like John would typically stroll into the Kent. Guys that piss people like Pat and Jason off because they don't show up till 2, demand attention and shots, piss off the regular patrons of the bar, and probably don't even leave a tip. At this point the only thing left to do, was to throw a twenty down on the bar, thank Pat, and get as far away as possible, because the only thing left is a den of inequity.

I was debating talking about numerous Thanksgiving Eve's as the fifth and final part of my 100th post, but I decided to leave it at Monday nights. I can always put up a post about Thanksgiving Eve, but everyone really knows what goes on that night, so I will leave it alone. Anyways, spring break is next week, so I'm hoping I get the chance to put up a couple more posts.

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