Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Day Without Shoes

As I was working today, I heard some kid mention someting of an event that a bunch of students participated in at Towson. The event was titled "One Day Without Shoes" and it was designed so that people across the country could get a first-hand experience of what life would be like without shoes. The purpose of the event is for people to gain awareness on what those individuals in many 3rd world countries experience on a daily basis. The majority of people in 3rd world countries do not have enough money for shoes and as a result they are often on their barefeet. While, I do not have a problem with the overall goal of this organization, providing shoes for the poor, this one day event just seems obnoxious and insignificant. In my opinion there seems to be nothing to gain from this so-called "experience." First of all, come tommorow, everyone will be sporting their shoes once again. Secondly, I don't understand how not wearing shoes makes you relate to the troubles of a third world country. These activists are still not overwhelmed with poverty, have hope for a successful life, and have the luxury of knowing they can put their shoes back on tommorow. The people in third-world country have none of these luxuries. Not too mention, today was an absolutely beautiful day, it wasn't raining, or it wasn't excruiatingly hot to the point that the sidewalk would burn your feet. If this event really wanted people to feel sympathetic towards those without shoes,maybe they should host the event in mid August or perhaps host it on a day where it is pouring rain. Also, the majority of these kids still had the comforts of clothing, where as those people in third world countries do not. I'm not trying to shoot down the idea of helping out those in third-world countries but if your gonna help, do something worthwhile. Don't just take off your shoes for a day to in order to feel better about yourself. In no way are you "experiencing" what it is like to lack the money necessary for shoes by walking around Towson's campus shoeless. It's a nice gesture but quite frankly, it's a pointless one. Now, I don't really know how many kids participated in this event, I just heard something about it at work and the kid showed me a silly flyer. He had the same point of a view I did on the matter. I guess your wondering, wouldn't you notice if a bunch of kids were walking around without shoes? Well, no I most definitely did not. But I know I'm not the only who doesn't pay too much attention to a man's shoes. It was my main man, Red from the Shawshank prison who once said, "I mean, really, how often do you look at a man's shoes?"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

And it begins.........

In one night, Oriole fans unrealistic optimism has turned to extreme pessimism in Baltimore. Tonight, the Orioles blew a wonderful opportunity to start the season with a victory as Tampa Bay won in the ninth. Shortly after the game, I made the mistake of listening to local sports radio and boy was that stupid on my part. Several callers referred to the Orioles as a major league team with minor league talent and that phrase is just utterly obnoxious as there are few players on this Orioles team that do not belong in the major leagues. Garret Atkins is the only player in the starting lineup that would have a tough time finding a major league job and the bullpen has only a few glaring problems. The Orioles biggest problem lies in the strength of their division. They simply are not ready to compete with the Yankees, Red Sox, and Rays and it showed last night. Even against good pitching-good teams capitalize when they have runners in scoring position- the Orioles hitters just simply aren't that good, at least not yet. There is plenty of potential in lineup, the rotation, and the bullpen, but there is still a whole lot that needs to come together. Ugh, the Orioles and sports radio- I should just stay away, they only bring forth frustration. Also, they need to find a closer. Mike Gonzalez is not the answer, although he could be a valuable asset in the bullpen.

However, if the Orioles do become desperate for bullpen help, they could always turn to Barack. Yesterday, he showed that he had one hell of an arm. Not even the menancing Joey Belle would want to step up to plate against that southpaw. His stuff was just knasty.

Anyways, on a more positive note, Friday marks the Orioles home opener and that usually brings forth good things. I'll have to check in with Stills sometime this week and figure out what his gameplan for the game is, I'm sure it has something to do with Natty Boh's and Sliders and that's certainly fine by me.