Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Ramblings

So I was awoken this morning at 7:30 A.M. by my phone going off with a text message wishing me a happy Thanksgiving, now being that I was at the bar until nearly 2:00 A.M. this was much earlier than I would liked to have woken up. Anyways, despite the awful timing of the text message, I noticed that it was a 732 number and one that I had not saved in my phone, so I responded by texting back "Who is this?" In response, I received "Raquel!!!!" Now, knowing the phone number and name of this person with awful timing for sending text messages, I responded by saying " Who is Raquel?" To this question, I did not receive an answer. Well anyways, I hope Raquel has herself a wonderful Thanksgiving, whoever she may be.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, the Lions are simply being destroyed by the Titans, which is typical. The Lions are simply deplorable. Well, at least in their defense, although defense is a word one should not use when speaking of the Lions, they should land the number one pick in April's NFL Draft. So basically I see Michael Crabtree playing in a Lions jersey next Thanksgiving.

Also being that it is Thanksgiving, I guess I'm supposed to tell something or someone that I am thankful for. Well, the person I am going to choose is some girl whose name I do not know. However, last night around 1:30 when I decided it was time to leave the Kent lounge and head home, this girl came into my life. Now, due to vast amount of people out in the Towson area, hailing a cab at this time was not so easy, so I decided to walk home and face the brisk air on my own. So as I am walking, a car pulls up to me and this girl, says "It looks like you need a ride." I look at her, soon realize that I have never seen her in my life, say "I sure do," hop in the car and off we go. Several minutes later, we are outside my apartment, I wish her a good night and I go into my apartment and call it a night. Now, in retrospect, what was this girl doing?? If you gave any set of parents a list of ten things that they would not want their daughter to do, and forced them to choose one, the most common answer would probably be "Do not pick up some stranger walking by himself from the bar on your way home." But anyways, I'm thankful for that girl this Thanksgiving because it was cold out last night and the walk to the Colony is not the shortest walk from Towson. So thank you whoever you are, even though you may have been the one that was actually looking for a ride.